Chile has experimented with practically every type of industrial policy in the book: from
heavy import substitution, public ownership of domestic firms, directed credit, and heavy
use of development banking; to a completely free-market approach. After the
liberalization and privatization of the military regime’s early days in the decade of the
seventies, a more pragmatic approach was adopted in the eighties. After the return to
democracy in 1990, an even greater role was given to the state, while remaining in what
could be labeled a horizontal approach, emphasizing the resolution of economy-wide
market failures but still eschewing sector selection. A large number of programs aimed at
facilitating investment and technological upgrading especially by small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) were instituted in the early 1990s, mainly by CORFO, a development
agency set up during the heyday of import substitution in 1939. CORFO has also
attempted to relax these firms’ borrowing constraints through what amount to a series of
development banking programs. During the current decade, Chile has moved to a more
focused industrial policy, emphasizing the sectors in which the country has comparative
advantages or those it could be expected to develop in a reasonable period of time.
CORFO has given increasing emphasis to subsidizing the formation and operation of
innovation-based consortia between private firms and universities and other activities
related to innovation, increasingly in nine sectors singled out for special treatment by
high-level National Council on Innovation for Competitiveness (NCIC) created in 2006.
This paper studies three horizontal policy instruments and two vertical ones. The
horizontal instruments are (1) a guarantee program for borrowing by SMEs (FOGAPE),
(2) a highly ingenious small subsidy to new exports that was operated from 1985 through
2003, and (3) the innovation subsidies provided by CORFO. The vertical policy
instruments are the activities of Fundacion Chile (FCh), a semi-public entrepreneur cum
venture capitalist, and a CORFO program to attract foreign direct investment in
information technology.
One conclusion of the study is that most of the programs instituted by the
government are well oriented, with clearly defined goals and addressing real problems
faced by Chilean entrepreneurs. However, there is a great proliferation of programs, each
one of them insufficiently funded. The country could benefit from a prioritization of
needs and a consolidation of programs.
Second, the instruments for making strategic bets on new sectors are particularly
weak. In spite of a track record of success, they are endowed with resources that are too
meager for them to have a major impact on the economy. In particular, FCh needs to
refocus its activities on high-risk projects with long payoffs, something it cannot do with
its small endowment.
Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios