On a continuous spectral algorithm for simulating non stationary Gaussian random fields

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Emery, Xavier
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On a continuous spectral algorithm for simulating non stationary Gaussian random fields
This paper presents an algorithm for simulating
Gaussian random fields with zero mean and non-stationary
covariance functions. The simulated field is obtained as a
weighted sum of cosine waves with random frequencies
and random phases, with weights that depend on the
location-specific spectral density associated with the target
non-stationary covariance. The applicability and accuracy
of the algorithm are illustrated through synthetic examples,
in which scalar and vector random fields with non-stationary
Gaussian, exponential, Mate´rn or compactly-supported
covariance models are simulated.
Chilean Commission for Scientific and Technological Research, through Projects CONICYT PIA Anillo ACT1407 and CONICYT/FONDECYT/POSTDOCTORADO/N°3140568
Artículo de publicación ISI
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Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess (2018) 32: 905–919
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