Trayectorias educativas según género. Lo invisible para la política educativa chilena

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Baeza Reyes, Andrea Valeria
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Trayectorias educativas según género. Lo invisible para la política educativa chilena
Chile is in a moment of educational policy reforms to counteract its strong inequality, but the gender perspective remains marginalized to the decision making. Beyond equal access to schools, many national and international indicators show the persistence of learning gaps between men and women and how these differences become detriment for women when they entry to job market. In this context, we did a qualitative study in a school of Santiago de Chile with secondary's students and teachers on educational trajectories of men and women and their consequences on the job market. Most educational agents' discourses refer to segregation in vocational elections of youth in an uncritical way. Besides, men are the ones that mainly criticize the economic autonomy for women even when it indicates changes in gender roles promoted by education. Also, it is confirmed a lack of formal strategies inside the school to approach this issue, which contrasts with the teachers' interest in giving an integral training to their students. This allows for the debate about the effectiveness in the current educational policy in Chile and to propose some improvement actions to generate trajectories in equality.
Artículo de publicación ISI
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Rie-Revista de Investigación Educativa Volumen: 36 Número: 2 Páginas: 471-490
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