Técnicas de refuerzo sísmico para la recuperación estructural del patrimonio arquitectónico chileno construido en adobe

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Torres Gilles, Claudia
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Técnicas de refuerzo sísmico para la recuperación estructural del patrimonio arquitectónico chileno construido en adobe
The 2010 Maule earthquake of magnitude 8.8Mw, left severely damaged adobe structures that conform the Chilean rural colonial heritage. In that context and as part of a government program of reconstruction, many interventions of structural and architectural restoration of damaged buildings were developed, despite the absence at the time of a specific legislation to regulate such interventions. Thus, the actions of reconstruction, reinforcement and structural consolidation were made taking as reference international researches, adapting them to the reality of Chilean typologies, in a kind of a real laboratory where the structural performance of buildings will be tested in future earthquakes. This article characterizes and analyses comparatively reinforcement systems used in religious buildings and adobe houses, according to their typological characteristics and damages.
Artículo de publicación ISI
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Informes de la Construcción Vol. 70, 550, e252
abril-junio 2018
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