This study aimed to demonstrate for the first time the presence of Nosema ceranae in the Valparaiso District. The analised bee samples were obtained in the Valparaiso Region, between 2011 and 2012, from beehives located in San Antonio, Limache and La Ligua. Samples obtained from groups of 60 bees were macerated and analysed by phase contrast microscopy at 40x. Then, DNA was extracted and the gene that encodes for 16SrRNA of Nosema apis and N. ceranae was amplified by multiplex PCR. 100% of the samples were infected by N. ceranae, while N. apis was not detected. During the period of study 2,915 colonies died in the Valparaiso Region which is 47.3% of the total hives of the Region. The loss of beehives during this period in the V Region of Chile could be related to either the lack of training in management and health monitoring of the colonies or the presence of N. ceranae.