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Authordc.contributor.authorFerreira, J. 
Authordc.contributor.authorGil, Lionel 
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationBiochemistry International, Volumen 15, Issue 1, 1987, Pages 95-109
Abstractdc.description.abstractThe uptake of Ca2+ by energized liver mitochondria was compared in normal fed as well as in protein-energy malnourished rats. In the presence of phosphate, mitochondria obtained from both groups were able to accumulate Ca2+ from the suspending medium and eject H+ during oxidation of common substrates which activate different segments of the respiratory chain. The rate of Ca2+ uptake was significantly lower in mitochondria from protein-energy malnourished rats. The rates of oxygen consumption and H+ ejection were decreased by 20-30% during oxidation of substrates at the three coupling sites. Similarly, mitochondria from protein-energy malnourished rats exhibit a 34% decrease in the maximal rate of Ca2+ uptake and a 25% lower capacity for Ca2+ load. The stoichiometric relationship of Ca2+/2e- remained unaffected. In steady state, with succinate as a substrate in the presence of rotenone and N-ethylmaleimide, mitochondria from normal fed and protein-energy malnourished rats showed a similar rate of Ca2+ uptake. Furthermore in both groups the stoichiometry of the H+/O ratio was close to 8.0 (H+/site ratio close to 4.0), and of Ca2+/site was close to 2.0. The diminished rate of Ca2+ uptake observed in mitochondria from protein-energy malnourished rats could be explained on the basis of a depressed rate of electron transport in the respiratory chain rather than by an effect at the level of the Ca2+ or H+ transport mechanism per se.
Sourcedc.sourceBiochemistry International
Títulodc.titleNutritional effects on mitochondrial bioenergetics. Alterations in calcium uptake by rat liver mitochondria.
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revista
dcterms.accessRightsdcterms.accessRightsAcceso a solo metadatos
Indexationuchile.indexArtículo de publicación SCOPUS

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