The involvement of rat anteromedial extrastriate cortex (area AM, in the anterior portion of area 18b) in the integration of visual and somatic cues was assessed behaviorally. Following restricted bilateral lesions of selected cortical regions, rats were tested on their ability to retain or relearn a conditional visuosomatic discrimination task learned prior to surgery. Two compound, visuosomatic stimuli were used: white or black associated with either one of two degrees of roughness. The use of a guided-response procedure was essential for rats to learn this difficult conditional bimodal task. None of the 6 rats with lesions aimed at area AM retained the habit postoperatively. Four of these rats were incapable of relearning the task after 3 postoperative training series, and they had either extensive lesions of area AM or relatively small, symmetric damage of anterior portions of AM. The remaining two rats with lesions in area AM were able to relearn the task in the second postoperati