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Authordc.contributor.authorGramegna, Gloria 
Authordc.contributor.authorBlümel Méndez, Juan 
Authordc.contributor.authorJara T, Sonia 
Authordc.contributor.authorSchiattino, Irene 
Authordc.contributor.authorLolas Stepke, Fernando 
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationRevista Medica de Chile, Volumen 124, Issue 10, 2018, Pages 1240-1244
Abstractdc.description.abstractBackground: The beneficial effects of estrogen supplementation in climacteric women are clear. Howerer, their psychological effects are not well documented. Aim: To study the effects of estrogen supplementation on psychological variables in climacteric women. Subjects and methods: Forty postmenopausal women were divided in two groups to receive a daily dose of 2 mg oestradiol valerate and 2.5 mg medroxyprogesterone acetate or an identical placebo during six months. Initially and at the end of the treatment period, they were subjected to a psychiatric interview and the Graffar, Hamilton and Eysenk personality tests were applied. Also, an Analysis of Verbal Behavior was used, that results in hope and hopeless scores. Results: There were no differences in the initial assessment between the two treatment groups. In women receiving bormonal supplementation, the Hamilton score decreased from 11.2 to 4.9 (p<0.002) and in women receiving placebo from 8.1 to 5.3 (NS). No other significant chang
Type of licensedc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
Link to Licensedc.rights.uri
Sourcedc.sourceRevista Medica de Chile
Keywordsdc.subjectEstrogens, synthetic
Keywordsdc.subjectPsychological test
Títulodc.titleEffects of estrogen supplementation on psychological variables in climacteric women Estrógenos en climaterio femenino: Efecto sobre variables psicológicas
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revista
Indexationuchile.indexArtículo de publicación SCOPUS

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