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Authordc.contributor.authorSanhueza Villanueva, María Eugenia 
Authordc.contributor.authorCotera, Alejandro 
Authordc.contributor.authorElgueta, Leticia 
Authordc.contributor.authorLópez S, Gloria 
Authordc.contributor.authorLoncon, Patricia 
Authordc.contributor.authorMacan, Fernando 
Authordc.contributor.authorPérez, Francisco 
Authordc.contributor.authorCavada Chacón, Gabriel 
Authordc.contributor.authorAlvo Abodovsky, Miriam 
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationRevista Medica de Chile, Volumen 136, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 279-286
Abstractdc.description.abstractBackground: Despite a better management of the variables that influence the development of diabetic nephropathy, there is a progressive increase in the prevalence of terminal renal failure among diabetics, whose cause is not clear. Aim: To study, in a group of patients in hemodialysis, the quality of diabetes control previous to the entry to dialysis, their physical condition and their evolution. Material and methods: Diabetic patients with at least three months of hemodialysis answered a questionnaire about diabetes control quality previous to dialysis and had physical and laboratory assessment. They were followed for at least four years thereafter. Results: Fifty seven patients aged 62±11 years were studied. Eighty four percent had some degree of disability. Eighty seven percent had high blood pressure and 73% had to enter dialysis as an emergency. Mean glycosilated hemoglobin was 7.7% and 58% had a dialysis dose with a Kt/V of less than 1.2. Fifty eight percent died during follow up
Type of licensedc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
Link to Licensedc.rights.uri
Sourcedc.sourceRevista Medica de Chile
Keywordsdc.subjectDiabetes complications
Keywordsdc.subjectKidney failure, chronic
Keywordsdc.subjectRenal dialysis
Títulodc.titleAssessment and follow up of diabetic patients in hemodialysis Diabetes y hemodiálisis. Caracterización de una cohorte y seguimiento a cuatro años
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revista
Indexationuchile.indexArtículo de publicación SCOPUS

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