Strategic management and quality of universities: An exploratory study from Chile Dirección estratégica y calidad de las Universidades: Un estudio xploratorio desde chile
This research aims to identify the relationships between the design and implementation phases of the strategy and institutional quality. To this end, an exploratory study was performed with four cases of Chilean universities characterized by different levels of relative performance in the institutional quality assessment processes. The strategic management processes carried out by each of these universities are analyzed and the relationship between these processes and institutional quality is examined. The results show that the definition of the institutional mission, as well as the analysis of the competitive sector and of relevant resources and capabilities, are the main determinants of the design and implementation of the corporate strategy. These variables have a definitive impact on the quality of the studied universities.
Strategic management and quality of universities: An exploratory study from Chile Dirección estratégica y calidad de las Universidades: Un estudio xploratorio desde chile