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Author Olivares, Sonia
Author Zacarías, Isabel
Author González, Carmen Gloria
Admission date 2019-03-15T16:07:41Z
Available date 2019-03-15T16:07:41Z
Publication date 2014
Cita de ítem dc.identifier.citation Nutricion Hospitalaria, Volumen 30, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 260-266
Identifier dc.identifier.issn 16995198
Identifier dc.identifier.issn 02121611
Identifier dc.identifier.other 10.3305/nh.2014.30.2.7557
Identifier dc.identifier.uri
Abstract dc.description.abstract © 2014 Grupo Aula Medica S.A. All rights reserved. Introduction: Implementation of the updated Food Based Dietary Guidelines (FBDG) for the Chilean population requires the design of innovative strategies and effective. Objective: To determine motivations and barriers for children and mothers of preschool-age children to follow new FBDG messages, aiming to identify challenges and opportunities for designing effective communication and implementation strategies. Methods: A qualitative study based on 12 focus groups of 9 to 13 age children and 6 focus groups of mothers of preschool-age children, living in the north, central and south regions of the country, to analyze their reaction to each one of the 2013 FBDG messages. Results and discussion: Answers of children and mothers did not show differences by gender (in the case of the children) or region of the country. Results show the most frequent and representative comments regarding each message. Challenges to reducing the consumption of
Lenguage dc.language.iso en
Publisher dc.publisher Grupo Aula Medica S.A.
Type of license dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
Link to License dc.rights.uri
Source dc.source Nutricion Hospitalaria
Keywords dc.subject Barriers
Keywords dc.subject Children focus groups
Keywords dc.subject Food based dietary guidelines
Keywords dc.subject Motivations
Título dc.title Motivations and barriers of chilean children; threats or opportunities for the implementation of 2013 food based dietary guidelines? Motivaciones y barreras de los niños chilenos; ¿amenazas u oportunidades para la implementación de las guías alimentarias
Document type dc.type Artículo de revista
Cataloguer uchile.catalogador SCOPUS
Indexation uchile.index Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
uchile.cosecha uchile.cosecha SI
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Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile