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Author Monsalves Álvarez, Matías
Author Castro Sepúlveda, Mauricio
Author Zapata Lamana, Rafael
Author Rosales Soto, Giovanni
Author Salazar Rodríguez, Gabriela
Admission date 2019-03-18T11:53:35Z
Available date 2019-03-18T11:53:35Z
Publication date 2015
Cita de ítem dc.identifier.citation Nutricion Hospitalaria, Volumen 32, Issue 4, 2018, Pages 1576-1581
Identifier dc.identifier.issn 16995198
Identifier dc.identifier.issn 02121611
Identifier dc.identifier.other 10.3305/nh.2015.32.4.9514
Identifier dc.identifier.uri
Abstract dc.description.abstract © 2015, Grupo Aula Medica S.A. All Rights Reserved.Introduction: childhood obesity is a worldwide health concern. For this issue different intervention have being planned to increase physical activity patterns and reduce the excess of weight in children with limited or no success. Objective: the aim of this study is to evaluate the results of a pilot intervention consisting in three 15-minute breaks conducted by educators and supervised by physical education teachers on motor skills and nutritional status in preschool children. Methods: sample was 70 preschool children (32 boys and 38 girls), age 4 ± 0,6 years. The physical activity classes were performed three times a week, 45 minutes daily, distributed in three 15 minutes breaks. The circuits were planned to have; jumps, sprints, carrying medicinal balls, gallops and crawling. Motor skill tests that were performed Standing long jump (SLJ) and Twelve meter run. Results: with the intervention no significant differences in nutritional s
Lenguage dc.language.iso en
Publisher dc.publisher Grupo Aula Medica S.A.
Type of license dc.rights Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
Link to License dc.rights.uri
Source dc.source Nutricion Hospitalaria
Keywords dc.subject Intervention
Keywords dc.subject Motor skills
Keywords dc.subject Physical activity
Keywords dc.subject Preschool children
Título dc.title Motor skills and nutritional status outcomes from a physical activity intervention in short breaks on preschool children conducted by their educators: A pilot study Resultados en patrones motores y estado nutricional de una intervención de actividad físic
Document type dc.type Artículo de revista
Cataloguer uchile.catalogador SCOPUS
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Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile