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Authordc.contributor.authorConei Valencia, Daniel 
Authordc.contributor.authorSoler Guerra, Bárbara 
Authordc.contributor.authorSaint-Pierre Contreras, Gustavo 
Authordc.contributor.authorRojas Rauco, Mariana 
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationInternational Journal of Morphology, Volumen 34, Issue 3, 2018, Pages 1044-1050
Abstractdc.description.abstract© 2016, Universidad de la Frontera. All rights reserved. Sonic hedgehog (SHH) is an essential morphogen for the development of neural tube, members and somites. Variations in expression can cause abnormalities in the nervous system. This will produce teratogens, such as valproic acid (VPA), which increases the reactive oxygen species and can be counteracted with the administration of vitamin E (VE). We sought to determine the expression of SHH in the neural tube and spinal cord in mice embryos and fetuses exposed to VPA, VPA + VE and VE. For the study we used 8 groups of female mice (Mus musculus). At day 8 post-coitus (p.c.) the groups were administered as follows: groups 1 and 5, 0.3ml saline; groups 2 and 6, VPA 600 mg/kg; groups 3 and 7, VPA 600 mg / kg + VE 200 IU/kg; groups 4 and 8, VE 200 IU/kg, all treatments were given orally. On the 12th day p.c., groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 were euthanized and the remaining groups at day 17. They were fixed in Bouin solution and included in parapla
Publisherdc.publisherUniversidad de la Frontera
Type of licensedc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
Link to Licensedc.rights.uri
Sourcedc.sourceInternational Journal of Morphology
Keywordsdc.subjectNeural tube
Keywordsdc.subjectSonic hedgehog
Keywordsdc.subjectValproic acid
Keywordsdc.subjectVitamin E
Títulodc.titleRole of vitamin e in neural tube of mouse (Mus musculus) embryos and fetuses treated with valproic acid: Immunohistochemical study of sonic hedgehog Rol de la vitamina e en el tubo neural de embriones y fetos de ratón (Mus musculus) tratados con ácido val
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revista
dcterms.accessRightsdcterms.accessRightsAcceso Abierto
Indexationuchile.indexArtículo de publicación SCOPUS

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