Geochemistry of metals and metalloids in siliceous sinter deposits: Implications for elemental partitioning into silica phases

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Sánchez Yáñez, Camilo
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Geochemistry of metals and metalloids in siliceous sinter deposits: Implications for elemental partitioning into silica phases
Sinter deposits are formed by precipitation of silica from hydrothermal fluids that have reached the
surface environment. They are commonly found around hot springs and represent surface expressions of
underlying geothermal systems and/or low sulfidation epithermal gold-silver hydrothermal deposits.
Several studies have reported ppm to weight percent concentrations of metals (e.g., Au, Ag, Cu) and
metalloids (e.g., As, Sb, B) in sinters capping geothermal systems and epithermal gold-silver deposits.
However, the relation between the maturity of the siliceous sinter and its metal enrichment remains
unknown. Here we use geochemical and mineralogical data that link the silica crystallinity degree with
trace metal and metalloid contents in sinter. In this paper, we provide in situ trace element data in metalrich
silica sinter samples from the Puchuldiza geothermal field in the Altiplano of northern Chile that
record the complete diagenetic sequence from non-crystalline opal A to microcrystalline quartz. Combined
SEM, XRD and LA-ICP-MS data show that the concentration of metals and metalloids in sinters
from Puchuldiza display a strong correspondence with silica crystallinity. While arsenic and boron are
predominantly enriched in the more amorphous silica phases (opal A/CT), gold and silver show higher
concentrations in the more crystalline phases (opal C/quartz). Silica structural, morphological and
geochemical transformations from its initial precipitation to its final maturation after diagenesis are
responsible for this differential enrichment. During the initial stages, gold and silver are incorporated
into silica microspheres as cationic species and/or metal nanoparticles or colloids, while arsenic and
boron incorporation is controlled by As-bearing accessory minerals and Fe-oxyhydroxides. As diagenesis
progresses and the crystallinity of silica increases, diffusion-driven processes such as Ostwald ripening
may progressively enrich gold and silver in the sinter, while metalloids are depleted owing to the low
retention of arsenic by silica. These findings indicate that the diagenetic transitions of silica, defined by
significant structural changes that involve generation of surface defects and the creation of reactive sites,
may play an important role in elemental uptake by silica in near surface environments.
Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.03.008
ISSN: 18729134
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Applied Geochemistry 80 (2017) 112-133