The road to live programming: Insights from the practice
Live Programming environments allow programmers to get feedback instantly while changing software. Liveness is gaining attention among industrial and open-source communities; several IDEs
offer high degrees of liveness. While several studies looked at how
programmers work during software evolution tasks, none of them
consider live environments. We conduct such a study based on an
analysis of 17 programming sessions of practitioners using Pharo,
a mature Live Programming environment. The study is complemented by a survey and subsequent analysis of 16 programming
sessions in additional languages, e.g., JavaScript. We document the
approaches taken by developers during their work. We find that
some liveness features are extensively used, and have an impact on
the way developers navigate source code and objects in their work.
Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
DOI: 10.1145/3180155.3180200
ISSN: 02705257