Landscape tomography through primordial non-Gaussianity
In this paper, we show how the structure of the landscape potential of the primordial Universe
may be probed through the properties of the primordial density perturbations responsible for the
origin of the cosmic microwave background anisotropies and the large-scale structure of our Universe.
Isocurvature fields —fields orthogonal to the inflationary trajectory— may have fluctuated across
the barriers separating local minima of the landscape potential during inflation. We analyze how this
process could have impacted the evolution of the primordial curvature perturbations. If the typical
distance separating consecutive minima of the landscape potential and the height of the potential
barriers are smaller than the Hubble expansion rate parametrizing inflation, the probability distribution function of isocurvature fields becomes non-Gaussian due to the appearance of bumps and
dips associated with the structure of the potential. We show that this non-Gaussianity can be transferred to the statistics of primordial curvature perturbations if the isocurvature fields are coupled
to the curvature perturbations. The type of non-Gaussian structure that emerges in the distribution of curvature perturbations cannot be fully probed with the standard methods of polyspectra;
instead, the probability distribution function is needed. The latter is obtained by summing all the
n-point correlation functions. To substantiate our claims, we offer a concrete model consisting of
an axionlike isocurvature perturbation with a sinusoidal potential and a linear derivative coupling
between the isocurvature and curvature field. In this model, the probability distribution function
of the curvature perturbations consists of a Gaussian function with small superimposed oscillations
reflecting the isocurvature axion potential.
Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.083528
ISSN: 24700029
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Physical Review D, Volumen 98, Issue 8, 2018