Tectono-metamorphic evolution of subduction channel serpentinites from South-Central Chile

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Plissart, Gaëlle
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Tectono-metamorphic evolution of subduction channel serpentinites from South-Central Chile
This work provides the first comprehensive petrological and multi-scale structural investigation of a suite of ultramafic bodies and enclosing metasediments from the Late Paleozoic accretionary prism of South-Central Chile. The targeted outcrops are located in the La Cabaña area and are characterized by the presence of three main types of ultramafic rocks: (1) partially serpentinized massive peridotites, (2) antigoritic schistose serpentinites, and (3) antigoritic mylonitic serpentinites. Partially serpentinized massive peridotites and schistose serpentinites recorded a common first hydration event with the formation of Fe2+ porous rim in chromites (at ~500 °C), followed by static partial transformation of olivine to lizardite (below ~300 °C) and formation of rims of Fe3+-rich chromite and magnetite around chromites. A second event of serpentinization linked to fluid passage through zones with focused deformation resulted in the partial transformation of partially lizarditized massive peridotites into antigoritic schistose serpentinites (at ~320–400 °C). This second event took place within the shallower portion of the serpentinitic subduction channel, near the base of the accretionary prism and was characterized by the formation of tubular folds made up of lenses of olivine-lizardite massive rocks embedded in a matrix of schistose serpentinites. Antigoritic mylonitic serpentinites encountered in the matrix of schistose serpentinites may locally contain metamorphic olivine (i.e., olivine-bearing mylonitic serpentinites), registering higher temperature conditions at medium pressures (~600 °C, 11 kbar) that prevailed during the initial immature stage of development of the subduction system. Moreover, some mylonitic serpentinites containing Ti-clinohumite, Ti-chondrodite and metamorphic olivine still record higher pressure conditions (>15 kbar, i.e., >50 km depth for ~500 °C), which are related with a deformational event taking place when the subduction system had already cooled. These medium- and high-P mylonitic serpentinites preserved kinematic indicators of burial, whereas their exhumation along the subduction channel towards the shallower schistose serpentinites near the base of the accretionary prism could take place through discrete shear zones possibly aided by large sheath folds. Once incorporated in the accretionary prism (c. 285 Ma ago), the serpentinites shared metamorphism and deformation with the enclosing metasediments. Subvertical shortening related to uplift processes within the accretionary system took place in the stability field of antigorite (>300 °C) and, later, a subhorizontal E-W shortening prevailed in more superficial conditions.
Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
URI: https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/172053
DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2019.03.023
ISSN: 18726143
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Lithos 336 · March 2019