The HASHTAG project I. A survey of CO(3–2) emission from the star forming disc of M31

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Li, Zongnan
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The HASHTAG project I. A survey of CO(3–2) emission from the star forming disc of M31
- Li, Zongnan;
- Li, Zhiyuan;
- Smith, Matthew W. L.;
- Wilson, Christine D.;
- Gao, Yu;
- Eales, Stephen A.;
- Ao, Yiping;
- Bureau, Martin;
- Chung, Aeree;
- Davis, Timothy A.;
- de Grijs, Richard;
- Eden, David J.;
- He, Jinhua;
- Hughes, Tom M.;
- Jiang, Xuejian;
- Kemper, Francisca;
- Lamperti, Isabella;
- Lee, Bumhyun;
- Lee, Chien-Hsiu;
- Michalowski, Michal J.;
- Parsons, Harriet;
- Ragan, Sarah;
- Scicluna, Peter;
- Shi, Yong;
- Tang, Xindi;
- Tomicic, Neven;
- Viaene, Sebastien;
- Williams, Thomas G.;
- Zhu, Ming;
We present a CO(3-2) survey of selected regions in the M31 disc as part of the JCMT large programme, HARP and SCUBA-2 High-Resolution Terahertz Andromeda Galaxy Survey (HASHTAG). The 12 CO(3-2) fields in this survey cover a total area of 60 arcmin(2), spanning a deprojected radial range of 2-14 kpc across the M31 disc. Combining these observations with existing IRAM 30m CO(1-0) observations and JCMT CO(3-2) maps of the nuclear region of M31, as well as dust temperature and star formation rate surface density maps, we are able to explore the radial distribution of the CO(3-2)/CO(1-0) integrated intensity ratio (R-31) and its relationship with dust temperature and star formation. We find that the value of R-31 between 2 and 9 kpc galactocentric radius is 0.14, significantly lower than what is seen in the nuclear ring at 1 kpc (R-31 similar to 0.8), only to rise again to 0.27 for the fields centred on the 10 kpc star forming ring. We also found that R-31 is positively correlated with dust temperature, with Spearman's rank correlation coefficient rho = 0.55. The correlation between star formation rate surface density and CO(3-2) intensity is much stronger than with CO(1-0), with rho = 0.54 compared to -0.05, suggesting that the CO(3-2) line traces warmer and denser star forming gas better. We also find that R-31 correlates well with star formation rate surface density, with rho = 0.69.
National Key Research and Development Program of China 2017YFA0402700 2017YFA0402703 2017YFA0402704
Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
JCMT project M17BL005
National Natural Science Foundation of China 11873028 11861131007 11420101002 11873086 U1631237
Chinese Academy of Sciences Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences QYZDJ-SSW-SLH008
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
Canada Research Chairs
Chinese Academy of Sciences
National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research of Chile (CONICYT) through a CAS-CONICYT Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan MOST107-2119-M-001-031-MY3
Academia Sinica - Taiwan
Academia Sinica - Taiwan AS-IA-106-M03
National Science Centre, Poland through the SONATA BIS grant 2018/30/E/ST9/00208
Yunnan Province of China 2017HC018
Artículo de publicación ISI Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
Quote Item
MNRAS 492, 195–209 (2020)
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