Modelling the spinning dust emission from LDN1780

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We study the anomalous microwave emission (AME) in the Lynds Dark Nebula (LDN) 1780 on two angular scales. With publicly available data at an angular resolution of 1 degrees, we studied the spectral energy distribution of the cloud in the 0.408-2997 GHz frequency range. The cloud presents a significant (>20 sigma) amount of AME, making it one of the clearest examples of AME on 1 degrees scales, and its spectrum can be well fitted with a spinning dust (SD) model. We also find at these angular scales that the location of the peak of the emission at lower frequencies (23-70 GHz) differs from the location at the higher frequencies (90-3000 GHz) maps. In addition to the analysis on 1 degrees angular scales, we present data from the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-wave Astronomy (CARMA) at 31 GHz with an angular resolution of 2 arcmin, in order to study the origin of the AME in LDN1780. We studied morphological correlations between the CARMA map and different infrared tracers of dust emission. We found that the best correlation is with the 70- mu m template, which traces warm dust (T similar to 50 K). Finally, we study the difference in radio emissivity between two locations within the cloud. We measured a factor of approximate to 6 difference in 31-GHz emissivity. We show that this variation can be explained, using the SD model, by a variation on the dust grain size distribution across the cloud, particularly changing the fraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon for a fixed total amount of carbon.
Comisión Nacional de Investigación Cientifica y Tecnológica (CONICYT)
Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
STFC Consolidated Grant
ERC Starting (Consolidator) Grant
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation
James S. McDonnell Foundation
Associates of the California Institute of Technology
University of Chicago
state of California
state of Illinois
state of Maryland
National Science Foundation (NSF)
CARMA partner universities
Artículo de publicación ISI Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
Quote Item
MNRAS 495, 1122–1135 (2020)
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