Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores do not accurately estimate depression prevalence: individual participant data meta-analysis

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Levis, Brooke
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Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores do not accurately estimate depression prevalence: individual participant data meta-analysis
- Levis, Brooke;
- Benedetti, Andrea;
- Ioannidis, John P.A.;
- Sun, Ying;
- Negeri, Zelalem;
- He, Chen;
- W, Yin;
- Krishnan, Ankur;
- Bhandari, Parash Mani;
- Neupane, Dipika;
- Imran, Mahrukh;
- Rice, Danielle B.;
- Riehm, Kira E.;
- Saadat, Nazanin;
- Azara, Marleine;
- Boruffl, Jill;
- Cuijpers, Pim;
- Gilbody, Simon;
- Kloda, Lorie A.;
- McMillan, Dean;
- Patten, Scott B.;
- Shrier, Ian;
- Ziegelstein, Roy C.;
- Alamri, Sultan H.;
- Amtmann, Dagmar;
- Ayalon, Liat;
- Baradaran, Hamid R.;
- Beraldi, Anna;
- Bernstein, Charles N.;
- Bhana, Arvin;
- Bombardier, Charles H.;
- Carter, Gregory;
- Chagas, Marcos H.;
- Chibanda, Dixon;
- Clover, Kerrie;
- Conwell, Yeates;
- Diez Quevedo, Crisanto;
- Fann, Jesse R.;
- Fischer, Felix H.;
- Gholizadeh, Leila;
- Gibson, Lorna J.;
- Green, Eric P.;
- Greeno, Catherine G.;
- Hall, Brian J.;
- Haroz, Emily E.;
- Ismail, Khalida;
- Jetté, Nathalie;
- Khamseh, Mohammad E.;
- Kwan, Yunxin;
- Lara, María Asunción;
- Liu, Shen-Ing;
- Loureiro, Sonia R.;
- Löwe, Bernd;
- Marrie, Ruth Ann;
- Marsh, Laura;
- McGuire, Anthony;
- Muramatsu, Kumiko;
- Navarrete, Laura;
- Osório, Flávia L.;
- Petersen, Inge;
- Picardii, Angelo;
- Pugh, Stephanie L.;
- Quinn, Terence J.;
- Rooney, Inge;
- Shinn, Eileen H.;
- Sidebottom, Abbey;
- Spangenberg, Lena;
- Tan, Pei Lin Lynnette;
- Taylor-Rowan, Martin;
- Turner, Alyna;
- van Weert, Henk C.;
- Vöhringer Cárdenas, Paul A.;
- Wagner, Lynne I.;
- White, Jennifer;
- Winkley, Kirsty;
- Thombs, Brett D.;
Objectives: Depression symptom questionnaires are not for diagnostic classification. Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) scores >= 10 are nonetheless often used to estimate depression prevalence. We compared PHQ-9 >= 10 prevalence to Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (SCID) major depression prevalence and assessed whether an alternative PHQ-9 cutoff could more accurately estimate prevalence.
Study Design and Setting: Individual participant data meta-analysis of datasets comparing PHQ-9 scores to SCID major depression status.
Results: A total of 9,242 participants (1,389 SCID major depression cases) from 44 primary studies were included. Pooled PHQ-9 >= 10 prevalence was 24.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 20.8%, 28.9%); pooled SCID major depression prevalence was 12.1% (95% CI: 9.6%, 15.2%); and pooled difference was 11.9% (95% CI: 9.3%, 14.6%). The mean study-level PHQ-9 >= 10 to SCID-based prevalence ratio was 2.5 times. PHQ-9 >= 14 and the PHQ-9 diagnostic algorithm provided prevalence closest to SCID major depression prevalence, but study-level prevalence differed from SCID-based prevalence by an average absolute difference of 4.8% for PHQ-9 >= 14 (95% prediction interval: -13.6%, 14.5%) and 5.6% for the PHQ-9 diagnostic algorithm (95% prediction interval: -16.4%, 15.0%).
Conclusion: PHQ-9 >= 10 substantially overestimates depression prevalence. There is too much heterogeneity to correct statistically in individual studies.
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Fonds de recherche du Quebec -Sante (FRQS) Postdoctoral Training Fellowships
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
G.R. Caverhill Fellowship from the Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary
Alberta Health Services through the Calgary Health Trust
Hotchkiss Brain Institute
Alberta Innovates Health Solutions
Canada Research Chair in Neurological Health Services Research
AIHS Population Health Investigator Award
Department of Education (NIDRR)
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
MB 0008
Lundbeck International
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Crohn's and Colitis Canada
Bingham Chair in Gastroenterology
Waugh Family Chair in Multiple Sclerosis
UK Department for International Development
Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems: University of Washington
Baylor College of Medicine
University of Michigan System
Grand Challenges Canada
United States Department of Health & Human Services
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA
NIH National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
R34 MH072925
K02 MH65919
P30 DK50456
R24 MH56858
R24 MH071604
United States Department of Health & Human Services
Centers for Disease Control & Prevention - USA
R49 CE002093
Spanish Ministry of Health's Health Research Fund (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias)
US National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research
RO1 HD39415
Federal Ministry of Education & Research (BMBF)
University of Technology Sydney
Duke Global Health Institute
Macao (SAR) Government, through the University of Macau RSKTO grants
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
AID-DFD A-00-08-00308
UK National Institute for Health Research under its Programme Grants for Applied Research Programme
Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT)
National Health Research Institutes - Taiwan
Reitoria de Pesquisa da Universidade de Sao Paulo
Banco Santander
medical faculty of the University of Heidelberg, Germany
Research Manitoba Chair in Multiple Sclerosis
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Niigata Seiryo University
Productivity Grants (PQ-CNPq-2)
Ministry of Health, Italy
United States Department of Health & Human Services
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA
NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Pennsylvania Department of Health
United Kingdom National Health Service Lothian Neuro-Oncology Endowment Fund
United States Department of Health & Human Services
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA
NIH National Cancer Institute (NCI)
K07 CA 093512
Lance Armstrong Foundation
United States Department of Health & Human Services
United States Health Resources & Service Administration (HRSA)
United States Department of Health & Human Services
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA
T32 GM07356
United States Department of Health & Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality
R36 HS018246
United States Department of Health & Human Services
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - USA
NIH National Center for Research Resources (NCRR)
TL1 RR024135
medical faculty, University of Leipzig
Hunter Medical Research Institute
Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) Mental Health Program
Academic Medical Center/University of Amsterdam
Fund for Innovation and Competitiveness of the Chilean Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism, through the Millennium Scientific Initiative
Research Manitoba Chair
Artículo de publicación ISI Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
DOI: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2020.02.002
Quote Item
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 122 (2020) 115-128
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