Equivalent availability index for the performance measurement of haul truck fleets

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Kristjanpoller, Fredy
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Equivalent availability index for the performance measurement of haul truck fleets
This article presents a model of performance analysis for a truck fleet system in an open-pit mine, considering special characteristics of haul fleets. In these systems, the expected availability of each piece of equipment and its operating capacity are the fundamental variables to construct a global fleet performance function. Our analytical algorithm considers heterogeneous fleets with known individual characteristics of transport capacity and failure and repair behavior. The results converge to a new indicator denominated "Equivalent Availability" (EA), which arises from the need to evaluate the capacity of the truck fleet to operate at a lower payload than required using different combinations of equipment to achieve an availability goal. EA is a key indicator to determine the productive capacity of a process, and for selecting equipment and their combinations to achieve production objectives. To exemplify the potentialities of the EA, a case study is implemented in a Chilean copper truck fleet mining process.
Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María
Artículo de publicación ISI Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
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Eksploatacja i Niezawodnosc – Mainten ance and Reliability Vol. 22, No. 4, 2020
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