Forward-backward approximation of evolution equations in finite and infinite horizon
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Contreras, Andrés
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Forward-backward approximation of evolution equations in finite and infinite horizon
This research is concerned with evolution equations and their forward-backward discretizations.
Our rst contribution is an estimation for the distance between iterates of sequences
generated by forward-backward schemes, useful in the convergence and robustness analysis of iterative
algorithms of widespread use in variational analysis and optimization. Our second contribution
is the approximation, on a bounded time frame, of the solutions of evolution equations governed by
accretive (monotone) operators with an additive structure, by trajectories de ned using forwardbackward
sequences. This provides a short, simple and self-contained proof of existence and regularity
for such solutions; uni es and extends a number of classical results; and o ers a guide for the
development of numerical methods. Finally, our third contribution is a mathematical methodology
that allows us to deduce the behavior, as the number of iterations tends to +1, of sequences generated
by forward-backward algorithms, based solely on the knowledge of the behavior, as time goes
to +1, of the solutions of di erential inclusions, and viceversa.
Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT)
CMM-Conicyt PIA AFB170001
Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT) C18E04
Artículo de publícación WoS Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
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Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis (2021) 20:5 Págs. 1893 - 1906
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