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Authordc.contributor.authorMorales, Sebastián
Authordc.contributor.authorThraves Cortés-Monroy, Charles Mark
Cita de ítemdc.identifier.citationProduction and Operations Management Volume 30 Issue 11 Page 4140-4159 Published Nov 2021es_ES
Abstractdc.description.abstractIn an election campaign, candidates must decide how to optimally allocate their efforts/resources optimally among the regions of a country. As a result, the outcome of the election will depend on the players' strategies and the voters' preferences. In this work, we present a zero-sum game where two candidates decide how to invest a fixed resource in a set of regions, while considering their sizes and biases. We explore the two voting systems, the Majority System (MS) and the Electoral College (EC). We prove equilibrium existence and uniqueness under MS in a deterministic model; in addition, their closed form expressions are provided when fixing the subset of regions and relaxing the non-negative investing constraint. For the stochastic case, we use Monte Carlo simulations to compute the players' payoffs. For the EC, given the lack of equilibrium in pure strategies, we propose an iterative algorithm to find equilibrium in mixed strategies in a subset of the simplex lattice. We illustrate numerical instances under both election systems, and contrast players' equilibrium strategies. We show that polarization induces candidates to focus on larger regions with negative biases under MS, whereas candidates concentrate on swing states under EC. Finally, we calibrate the analyzed models with real data from the US 2020 presidential election.es_ES
Patrocinadordc.description.sponsorshipComision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT) CONICYT PIA/BASAL AFB180003 supercomputing infrastructure of the NLHPC ECM-02es_ES
Type of licensedc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States*
Link to Licensedc.rights.uri*
Sourcedc.sourceProduction and Operations Managementes_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectElectoral collegees_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectMajority systemes_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectResource allocationes_ES
Keywordsdc.subjectZero-sum gamees_ES
Títulodc.titleOn the resource allocation for political campaignses_ES
Document typedc.typeArtículo de revistaes_ES
dc.description.versiondc.description.versionVersión sometida a revisión - Preprintes_ES
dcterms.accessRightsdcterms.accessRightsAcceso abiertoes_ES
Indexationuchile.indexArtículo de publícación WoSes_ES

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