Links 13 of 18 NGTS clusters survey - III. A low-mass eclipsing binary in the Blanco 1 open cluster spanning the fully convective boundary

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Smith, Gareth D.
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Links 13 of 18 NGTS clusters survey - III. A low-mass eclipsing binary in the Blanco 1 open cluster spanning the fully convective boundary
- Smith, Gareth D.;
- Gillen, Edward;
- Queloz, Didier;
- Hillenbrand, Lynne A.;
- Acton, Jack S.;
- Alves Rodrigues, Douglas;
- Anderson, David R.;
- Bayliss, Daniel;
- Briegal, Joshua T.;
- Burleigh, Matthew R.;
- Casewell, Sarah L.;
- Delrez, Laetitia;
- Dransfield, Georgina;
- Ducrot, Elsa;
- Gill, Samuel;
- Gillon, Michael;
- Goad, Michael R.;
- Gunther, Maximilian N.;
- Henderson, Beth A.;
- Jenkins, James S.;
- Jehin, Emmanuel;
- Moyano, Maximiliano;
- Murray, Catriona A.;
- Pedersen, Peter P.;
- Sebastian, Daniel;
- Thompson, Samantha;
- Tilbrook, Rosanna H.;
- Triaud, Amaury H. M. J.;
- Vinés López, José;
- Wheatley, Peter J.;
We present the discovery and characterization of an eclipsing binary identified by the Next Generation Transit Survey in the similar to 115-Myr-old Blanco 1 open cluster. NGTS J0002-29 comprises three M dwarfs: a short-period binary and a companion in a wider orbit. This system is the first well-characterized, low-mass eclipsing binary in Blanco 1. With a low mass ratio, a tertiary companion, and binary components that straddle the fully convective boundary, it is an important benchmark system, and one of only two well-characterized, low-mass eclipsing binaries at this age. We simultaneously model light curves from NGTS, TESS, SPECULOOS, and SAAO, radial velocities from VLT/UVES and Keck/HIRES, and the system's spectral energy distribution. We find that the binary components travel on circular orbits around their common centre of mass in P-orb = 1.098 005 24 +/- 0.000 000 38 d, and have masses M-pri = 0.3978 +/- 0.0033 M-circle dot and M-sec = 0.2245 +/- 0.0018 M-circle dot, radii R-pri = 0.4037 +/- 0.0048 R-circle dot and R-sec = 0.2759 +/- 0.0055 R-circle dot, and effective temperatures T-pri = 3372(-37)(+44) K and T-sec = 3231(-31)(+38) K. We compare these properties to the predictions of seven stellar evolution models, which typically imply an inflated primary. The system joins a list of 19 well-characterized, low-mass, sub-Gyr, stellar-mass eclipsing binaries, which constitute some of the strongest observational tests of stellar evolution theory at low masses and young ages.
University ofWarwick
University of Leicester
Queen's University Belfast
University of Geneva
Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR; under the `Grossinvestition GI-NGTS')
University of Cambridge
UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)
Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) ST/M001962/1
European Southern Observatory under ESO programme 0103.C-0902
European Research Council (ERC) 803193/BEBOP
UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)
Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF) ST/S00193X/1
UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)
Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
David and Claudia Harding Foundation
Artículo de publícación WoS
Quote Item
MNRAS 000, 1–21 (2021)
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