Distance of Hi-GAL sources

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Aims. Distances are key to determining the physical properties of sources. In the Galaxy, large (>10 000) homogeneous samples of
sources for which distance are available, covering the whole Galactic distance range, are still missing. Here we present a catalog of
velocity and distance for a large sample (>100 000) of Hi-GAL compact sources.
Methods. We developed a fully automatic Python package to extract the velocity and determine the distance. To assign a velocity
to a Hi-GAL compact source, the code uses all the available spectroscopic data complemented by a morphological analysis. Once
the velocity is determined, if no stellar or maser parallax distance is known, the kinematic distance is calculated and the distance
ambiguity (for sources located inside the Solar circle) is solved with the Hi self-absorption method or from distance–extinction data.
Results. Among the 150 223 compact sources of the Hi-GAL catalog, we obtained a distance for 124 069 sources for the 5 catalog
(and 128 351 sources for the 3 catalog), where represents the noise level of each molecular spectrum used for the line detections
made at 5 and 3 to produce the respective catalogs.
European FP7 VIALACTEA project
Institut Universitaire de France
Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) 092.F-9315
ViaLactea Knowledge Base (VLKB)
Artículo de publícación WoS
Quote Item
A&A 646, A74 (2021)
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