Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). V. CO Gas Distributions

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Zhang, Ke
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Molecules with ALMA at Planet-forming Scales (MAPS). V. CO Gas Distributions
- Zhang, Ke;
- Booth, Alice S.;
- Law, Charles J.;
- Bosman, Arthur D.;
- Schwarz, Kamber R.;
- Bergin, Edwin A.;
- Oberg, Karin;
- Andrews, Sean M.;
- Guzmán, Viviana V.;
- Walsh, Catherine;
- Qi, Chunhua;
- van 't Hoff, Merel L. R.;
- Long, Feng;
- Wilner, David J.;
- Huang, Jane;
- Czekala, Ian;
- Ilee, John D.;
- Cataldi, Gianni;
- Bergner, Jennifer B.;
- Aikawa, Yuri;
- Teague, Richard;
- Bae, Jaehan;
- Loomis, Ryan A.;
- Calahan, Jenny K.;
- Alarcón, Felipe;
- Menard, Francois;
- Le Gal, Romane;
- Sierra, Aníbal;
- Yamato, Yoshihide;
- Nomura, Hideko;
- Tsukagoshi, Takashi;
- Pérez Muñoz, Laura;
- Trapman, León;
- Liu, Yao;
- Furuya, Kenji;
Here we present high-resolution (15–24 au) observations of CO isotopologue lines from the Molecules with ALMA on Planet-forming Scales (MAPS) ALMA Large Program. Our analysis employs observations of the (J = 2–1) and (1–0) lines of 13CO and C18O and the (J = 1–0) line of C17O for five protoplanetary disks. We retrieve CO gas density distributions, using three independent methods: (1) a thermochemical modeling framework based on the CO data, the broadband spectral energy distribution, and the millimeter continuum emission; (2) an empirical temperature distribution based on optically thick CO lines; and (3) a direct fit to the C17O hyperfine lines. Results from these methods generally show excellent agreement. The CO gas column density profiles of the five disks show significant variations in the absolute value and the radial shape. Assuming a gas-to-dust mass ratio of 100, all five disks have a global CO-to-H2 abundance 10–100 times lower than the interstellar medium ratio. The CO gas distributions between 150 and 400 au match well with models of viscous disks, supporting the long-standing theory. CO gas gaps appear to be correlated with continuum gap locations, but some deep continuum gaps do not have corresponding CO gaps. The relative depths of CO and dust gaps are generally consistent with predictions of planet–disk interactions, but some CO gaps are 5–10 times shallower than predictions based on dust gaps. This paper is part of the MAPS special issue of the Astrophysical Journal Supplement.
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation
NASA through Hubble Fellowship - Space Telescope Science Institute HST-HF2-51401.001
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) NAS5-26555
National Science Foundation (NSF) DGE1745303
DGE 1256260
National Science Foundation (NSF)
NSF - Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences (MPS) 1907653
Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT)
ANID project Basal AFB-170002
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 11973090
Simons Foundation 321183
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) 17-XRP17 2-0012
UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)
Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) ST/T000287/1
University of Leeds
UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)
Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) ST/T000287/1
Smithsonian Institution
Michigan Society of Fellows
NAOJ ALMA Scientific Research grant 2019-13B
National Aeronautics and Space Administration FINESST grant 80NSSC19K1534
ANID/CONICYT Programa de Astronomia Fondo ALMA-CONICYT 2018 31180052
French National Research Agency (ANR) ANR-16-CE31-0013
Centre National D'etudes Spatiales
IGPEES, WINGS Program, the University of Tokyo
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) JP17K14244
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The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 257:5 (29pp), 2021 November
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