A transit timing variation observed for the long-period extremely low-density exoplanet HIP41378f

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Bryant, Edward M.
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A transit timing variation observed for the long-period extremely low-density exoplanet HIP41378f
- Bryant, Edward M.;
- Bayliss, Daniel;
- Santerne, Alexandre;
- Wheatley, Peter J.;
- Nascimbeni, Valerio;
- Ducrot, Elsa;
- Burdanov, Artem;
- Acton, Jack S.;
- Alves Rodrigues, Douglas;
- Anderson R., David;
- Armstrong, David J.;
- Awiphan, Supachai;
- Cooke, Benjamín F.;
- Burleigh, Matthew R.;
- Casewell, Sarah L.;
- Delrez, Laetitia;
- Demory, Brice-Olivier;
- Eigmüller, Philipp;
- Fukui, Akihiko;
- Gan, Tianjun;
- Gill, Samuel;
- Gillon, Michael;
- Goad, Michael R.;
- Tan, Thiam-Guan;
- Günther, Maximilian N.;
- Hardee, Bronwen;
- Henderson, Beth A.;
- Jehin, Emmanuel;
- Jenkins, James S.;
- Kosiarek, Molly;
- Lendl, Monika;
- Moyano, Maximiliano;
- Murray, Catriona A.;
- Narita, Norio;
- Niraula, Prajwal;
- Odden, Caroline E.;
- Palle, Enric;
- Parviainen, Hannu;
- Pedersen, Peter P;
- Pozuelos, Francisco J.;
- Rackham, Benjamín V.;
- Sebastian, Daniel;
- Stockdale, Chris;
- Tilbrook, Rosanna H.;
- Thompson, Samantha J.;
- Triaud, Amaury H.M.J.;
- Udry, Stéphane;
- Vines, José I.;
- West, Richard G.;
- De Wit, Julien;
HIP 41378 f is a temperate 9.2 ± 0.1 R⊕ planet with period of 542.08 d and an extremely low density of 0.09 ± 0.02 g cm−3. It
transits the bright star HIP 41378 (V=8.93),making it an exciting target for atmospheric characterization including transmission
spectroscopy. HIP 41378 was monitored photometrically between the dates of 2019 November 19 and 28. We detected a transit
of HIP 41378 f with NGTS, just the third transit ever detected for this planet, which confirms the orbital period. This is also
the first ground-based detection of a transit of HIP 41378 f. Additional ground-based photometry was also obtained and used to
constrain the time of the transit. The transit was measured to occur 1.50 h earlier than predicted.We use an analytic transit timing
variation (TTV) model to show the observed TTV can be explained by interactions between HIP 41378 e and HIP 41378 f. Using
our TTV model, we predict the epochs of future transits of HIP 41378 f, with derived transit centres of TC, 4 =2459 355.087+0.031
(2021 May) and TC, 5 =2459 897.078+0.114
−0.060 (2022 November).
National Science Foundation (NSF) DGE 1339067
UK Research & Innovation (UKRI)
Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) ST/R00384X/1
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) JP17H04574
Japan Science & Technology Agency (JST) JPMJPR1775
National Institutes of Natural Sciences (NINS) - Japan
Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT)
CONICYT project Basal AFB-170002
Artículo de publícación WoS
Quote Item
MNRAS 504, L45–L50 (2021)
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