Euclid: constraining dark energy coupled to electromagnetism using astrophysical and laboratory data

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Martinelli, M.
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Euclid: constraining dark energy coupled to electromagnetism using astrophysical and laboratory data
- Martinelli, M.;
- Martins, C. J. A. P.;
- Nesseris, S.;
- Tutusaus, I.;
- Blanchard, A.;
- Camera, S.;
- Carbone, C.;
- Casas, S.;
- Pettorino, V.;
- Sakr, Z.;
- Yankelevich, V.;
- Sapone, Domenico;
- Amara, A.;
- Auricchio, N.;
- Bodendorf, C.;
- Bonino, D.;
- Branchini, E.;
- Capobianco, V.;
- Carretero, J.;
- Castellano, M.;
- Cavuoti, S.;
- Cimatti, A.;
- Cledassou, R.;
- Corcione, L.;
- Costille, A.;
- Degaudenzi, H.;
- Douspis, M.;
- Dubath, F.;
- Dusini, S.;
- Ealet, A.;
- Ferriol, S.;
- Frailis, M.;
- Franceschi, E.;
- Garilli, B.;
- Giocoli, C.;
- Grazian, A.;
- Grupp, F.;
- Haugan, S.V.H.;
- Holmes, W.;
- Hormuth, F.;
- Jahnke, K.;
- Kiessling, A.;
- Kümmel, M.;
- Kunz, M.;
- Kurki Suonio, H.;
- Ligori, S.;
- Lilje, P. B.;
- Lloro, I.;
- Mansutti, O.;
- Marggraf, O.;
- Markovic, K.;
- Massey, R.;
- Meneghetti, M.;
- Meylan, G.;
- Moscardini, L.;
- Niemi, S. M.;
- Padilla, C.;
- Paltani, S.;
- Pasian, F.;
- Pedersen, K.;
- Pires, S.;
- Poncet, M.;
- Popa, L.;
- Raison, F.;
- Rebolo, R.;
- Rhodes, J.;
- Roncarelli, M.;
- Rossetti, E.;
- Saglia, R.;
- Secroun, A.;
- Seidel, G.;
- Serrano, S.;
- Sirignano, C.;
- Sirri, G.;
- Starck, J. L.;
- Tavagnacco, D.;
- Taylor, A. N.;
- Tereno, I.;
- Toledo Moreo, R.;
- Valenziano, L.;
- Wang, Y.;
- Zamorani, G.;
- Zoubian, J.;
- Baldi, M.;
- Brescia, M.;
- Congedo, G.;
- Conversi, L.;
- Copin, Y.;
- Fabbian, G.;
- Farinelli, R.;
- Medinaceli, E.;
- Mei, S.;
- Polenta, G.;
- Romelli, E.;
- Vassallo, T.;
In physically realistic, scalar-field-based dynamical dark energy models (including, e.g., quintessence), one naturally expects the scalar field to couple to the rest of the model's degrees of freedom. In particular, a coupling to the electromagnetic sector leads to a time (redshift) dependence in the fine-structure constant and a violation of the weak equivalence principle. Here we extend the previous Euclid forecast constraints on dark energy models to this enlarged (but physically more realistic) parameter space, and forecast how well Euclid, together with high-resolution spectroscopic data and local experiments, can constrain these models. Our analysis combines simulated Euclid data products with astrophysical measurements of the fine-structure constant, alpha, and local experimental constraints, and it includes both parametric and non-parametric methods. For the astrophysical measurements of alpha, we consider both the currently available data and a simulated dataset representative of Extremely Large Telescope measurements that are expected to be available in the 2030s. Our parametric analysis shows that in the latter case, the inclusion of astrophysical and local data improves the Euclid dark energy figure of merit by between 8% and 26%, depending on the correct fiducial model, with the improvements being larger in the null case where the fiducial coupling to the electromagnetic sector is vanishing. These improvements would be smaller with the current astrophysical data. Moreover, we illustrate how a genetic algorithms based reconstruction provides a null test for the presence of the coupling. Our results highlight the importance of complementing surveys like Euclid with external data products, in order to accurately test the wider parameter spaces of physically motivated paradigms.
La Caixa Foundation 100010434
Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa Program SEV-2016-059
FEDER Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE 2020 - Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (POCI)
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028987
Spanish Government ESP2017-89838
H2020 programme of the European Commission 776247
Spanish Government RYC-2014-15843
Academy of Finland
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)
Belgian Federal Science Policy Office
Canadian Euclid Consortium
Centre National D'etudes Spatiales
Helmholtz Association
German Aerospace Centre (DLR)
Danish Space Research Institute
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
European Commission
Spanish Government
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)
Netherlandse Onderzoekschool Voor Astronomie
Norwegian Space Agency
Romanian Space Agency
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) at the Swiss Space O ffice (SSO)
United Kingdom Space Agency
Artículo de publícación WoS
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Astronomy & Astrophysics Volume 654 Article Number A148 Published OCT 26 2021 Indexed 2021-11-08
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