Improving OMI-NO2 spatial resolution using a stochastic convolutional neural network over central southern Chile

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Meruane Naranjo, Viviana Isabel
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Improving OMI-NO2 spatial resolution using a stochastic convolutional neural network over central southern Chile
Professor Advisor
Both precision and spatial resolution of atmospheric data are fundamental aspects when
evaluating air quality and the effects of different factors on the distribution of air pollutants.
Satellite-borne instruments have been very useful to collect this type of data, providing
valuable information for process understanding and when deciding public policies of both
regional and national relevance. However, as sensors and satellites retrievals have improved,
one finds discontinuities in quality and resolution that require homogenisation for establishing
long-term trends.
This work seeks to assess the feasibility of improving the spatial resolution of satellite
measurements while, simultaneously estimating the expected error. A stochastic approach
based on Convolutional Neural Networks is presented, which succeeds in increasing the
spatial resolution of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) columns collected with spectrometers onboard
satellites. Furthermore, the approach allows estimating the aleatoric uncertainty generated
by errors inherent in spectrometer measurements. Also, the methodology allows achieving
the estimation precision of conventional deep learning models. The results show that the
reconstructed fields are robust to added noise on the data, presenting slight decreases in the
evaluated metrics above 5% noise. An advantage of the presented methodology is that the
models can be trained with small-scale images, and then applied without domain restriction,
if the resolution used during training is maintained.
The results indicate that the methodology is appropriate for the stated objectives. Also,
it is subject to further improvement by considering state-of-the-art models (ResNet, GAN).
An application to reconstruct NO2 column data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI)
onboard the Aura satellite is shown, illustrating the potential of the methods. Thus, this
work contributes to an improvement in the monitoring of air quality for the country, and it is
expected that it can be applied to obtain better prediction results (both precision and error
estimation) and cover a larger area of application.
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Mención Mecánica Memoria para optar al título de Ingeniero Civil Mecánico
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