Inspecting the cepheid distance ladder: the Hubble space telescope distance to the SN Ia host Galaxy NGC 5584

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Javanmardi, Behnam
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Inspecting the cepheid distance ladder: the Hubble space telescope distance to the SN Ia host Galaxy NGC 5584
The current tension between the direct and the early-universe measurements of the Hubble constant, H0, requires
detailed scrutiny of all the data and methods used in the studies on both sides of the debate. The Cepheids in the
Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) host galaxy NGC 5584 played a key role in the local measurement of H0. The SH0ES
project used the observations of this galaxy to derive a relation between the Cepheids’ periods and ratios of their
amplitudes in different optical bands of the Hubble Space Telescope and used these relations to analyze the light
curves of the Cepheids in around half of the current sample of local SN Ia host galaxies. In this work, we present an
independent detailed analysis of the Cepheids in NGC 5584. We employ different tools for our photometric
analysis and a completely different method for our light-curve analysis, and we do not find a systematic difference
between our period and mean magnitude measurements compared to those reported by SH0ES. By adopting a
period–luminosity relation calibrated by the Cepheids in the Milky Way, we measure a distance modulus
μ = 31.810 ± 0.047 (mag), which is in agreement with μ = 31.786 ± 0.046 (mag) measured by SH0ES. In
addition, the relations we find between the periods and amplitude ratios of the Cepheids in NGC 5584 are
significantly tighter than those of SH0ES, and their potential impact on the direct H0 measurement will be
investigated in future studies.
Aparece en contenido como:European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT)
NCN MAESTRO grant UMO-2017/26/A/ST9/00446
Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland DIR/WK/2018/09
French National Research Agency (ANR) ANR-15-CE310012-01
Artículo de publícación WoS
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The Astrophysical Journal, 911:12 (21pp), 2021 April 10
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