Star formation scaling relations at similar to 100 pc from PHANGS: Impact of completeness and spatial scale

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Pessa, I.
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Star formation scaling relations at similar to 100 pc from PHANGS: Impact of completeness and spatial scale
- Pessa, I.;
- Schinnerer, E.;
- Belfiore, F.;
- Emsellem, E.;
- Leroy, A. K.;
- Schruba, A.;
- Kruijssen, J. M. D.;
- Pan, H. A.;
- Blanc Mendiberri, Guillermo Alberto Neville;
- Sánchez Blázquez, P.;
- Bigiel, F.;
- Chevance, M.;
- Congiu, Enrico;
- Dale, D.;
- Faesi, C. M.;
- Glover, S. C. O.;
- Grasha, K.;
- Groves, B.;
- Ho, I.;
- Jiménez Donaire, M.;
- Klessen, R.;
- Kreckel, K.;
- Koch, E. W.;
- Liu, D.;
- Meidt, S.;
- Pety, J.;
- Querejeta, M.;
- Rosolowsky, E.;
- Saito, T.;
- Santoro, F.;
- Sun, J.;
- Usero, A.;
- Watkins, E. J.;
- Williams, T. G.;
Aims. The complexity of star formation at the physical scale of molecular clouds is not yet fully understood. We investigate the mechanisms
regulating the formation of stars in di erent environments within nearby star-forming galaxies from the Physics at High Angular resolution in
Nearby GalaxieS (PHANGS) sample.
Methods. Integral field spectroscopic data and radio-interferometric observations of 18 galaxies were combined to explore the existence of the
resolved star formation main sequence ( stellar versus SFR), resolved Kennicutt–Schmidt relation ( mol: gas versus SFR), and resolved molecular gas
main sequence ( stellar versus mol: gas), and we derived their slope and scatter at spatial resolutions from 100 pc to 1 kpc (under various assumptions).
Results. All three relations were recovered at the highest spatial resolution (100 pc). Furthermore, significant variations in these scaling relations
were observed across di erent galactic environments. The exclusion of non-detections has a systematic impact on the inferred slope as a function
of the spatial scale. Finally, the scatter of the mol: gas+stellar versus SFR correlation is smaller than that of the resolved star formation main sequence,
but higher than that found for the resolved Kennicutt–Schmidt relation.
Conclusions. The resolved molecular gas main sequence has the tightest relation at a spatial scale of 100 pc (scatter of 0:34 dex), followed by the
resolved Kennicutt–Schmidt relation (0:41 dex) and then the resolved star formation main sequence (0:51 dex). This is consistent with expectations
from the timescales involved in the evolutionary cycle of molecular clouds. Surprisingly, the resolved Kennicutt–Schmidt relation shows the least
variation across galaxies and environments, suggesting a tight link between molecular gas and subsequent star formation. The scatter of the three
relations decreases at lower spatial resolutions, with the resolved Kennicutt–Schmidt relation being the tightest (0:27 dex) at a spatial scale of
1 kpc. Variation in the slope of the resolved star formation main sequence among galaxies is partially due to di erent detection fractions of SFR
with respect to stellar.
European Research Council (ERC) 694343
National Science Foundation (NSF) 1615105
ANID project Basal AFB-170002
German Research Foundation (DFG) KR4801/1-1
German Research Foundation (DFG)
European Commission KR4801/2-1
SFB 881
European Research Council (ERC) 714907
German Research Foundation (DFG) KR4598/2-1
Instituto de Salud Carlos III
Spanish Government PID2019-106027GA-C44
Spanish funding grant (MINECO/FEDER) AYA2016-79006-P
Spanish funding grant (MCIU/AEI/FEDER) PGC2018-094671-B-I00
Spanish funding grant (MICINN) PID2019-108765GB-I00
European Research Council (ERC)
European Commission 855130
Heidelberg cluster of excellence - German Excellence Strategy EXC 2181 - 390900948
European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere under ESO 094.C-0623
Artículo de publícación WoS Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
Quote Item
A&A 650, A134 (2021)
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