Reionization era bright emission line survey: selection and characterization of luminous interstellar medium reservoirs in the z>6.5 universe

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Bouwens, R. J.
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Reionization era bright emission line survey: selection and characterization of luminous interstellar medium reservoirs in the z>6.5 universe
- Bouwens, R. J.;
- Smit, R.;
- Schouws, S.;
- Stefanon, M.;
- Bowler, R.;
- Endsley, R.;
- González Corvalán, Valentino Gastón;
- Inami, H.;
- Stark, D.;
- Oesch, P.;
- Hodge, J.;
- Aravena, M.;
- Da Cunha, E.;
- Dayal, P.;
- De Looze, I.;
- Ferrara, A.;
- Fudamoto, Y.;
- Graziani, L.;
- Li, C.;
- Nanayakkara, T.;
- Pallottini, A.;
- Schneider, R.;
- Sommovigo, L.;
- Topping, M.;
- Van der Werf, P.;
- Algera, H.;
- Barrufet, L.;
- Hygate, A.;
- Labbé, I.;
- Riechers, D.;
- Witstok, J.;
The Reionization Era Bright Emission Line Survey (REBELS) is a cycle-7 ALMA Large Program (LP) that is identifying and performing a first characterization of many of the most luminous star-forming galaxies known in the z > 6.5 universe. REBELS is providing this probe by systematically scanning 40 of the brightest UV-selected galaxies identified over a 7 deg(2) area for bright [C ii](158 mu m) and [O iii](88 mu m) lines and dust-continuum emission. Selection of the 40 REBELS targets was done by combining our own and other photometric selections, each of which is subject to extensive vetting using three completely independent sets of photometry and template-fitting codes. Building on the observational strategy deployed in two pilot programs, we are increasing the number of massive interstellar medium (ISM) reservoirs known at z > 6.5 by similar to 4-5x to >30. In this manuscript, we motivate the observational strategy deployed in the REBELS program and present initial results. Based on the first-year observations, 18 highly significant >= 7 sigma [C ii](158 mu m) lines have already been discovered, the bulk of which (13/18) also show >= 3.3 sigma dust-continuum emission. These newly discovered lines more than triple the number of bright ISM-cooling lines known in the z > 6.5 universe, such that the number of ALMA-derived redshifts at z > 6.5 rival Ly alpha discoveries. An analysis of the completeness of our search results versus star formation rate (SFR) suggests an similar to 79% efficiency in scanning for [C ii](158 mu m) when the SFRUV+IR is >28 M (circle dot) yr(-1). These new LP results further demonstrate ALMA's efficiency as a "redshift machine," particularly in the Epoch of Reionization.
ALMA Observatory, under the Large Program 2019.1.01634
Nederlandse Onderzoekschool voor Astronomie (NOVA)
STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowships ST/S004831/1
JWST/NIRCam contract to the University of Arizona NAS5-02015
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) 190079
NAOJ ALMA Scientific Research Grant 2021-19A
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (MEXT)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) JP19K23462
Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT)
European Research Council (ERC) ERC StG-717001
NWO grant 016
European Union (EU)
European Commission Joint Research Centre
University of Groningen's CO-FUND Rosalind Franklin program
Amaldi Research Center - MIUR program "Dipartimento di Eccellenza" CUP:B81I18001170001
NAOJ ALMA Scientific Research 2020-16B
ALMA HzFINEST: High-z Far-Infrared Nebular Emission STudies
European Research Council (ERC) 695671
Carl Friedrich von Siemens-Forschungspreis der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Research Award
Fondation MERAC
Space Telescope Science Institute
National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA)
Artículo de publícación WoS
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The Astrophysical Journal, 931:160 (28pp), 2022
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