Photochemical sensitivity to emissions and local meteorology in Bogotá , Santiago, and Sa~ o Paulo: an analysis of the initial COVID-19 lockdowns

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Seguel Albornoz, Rodrigo José
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Photochemical sensitivity to emissions and local meteorology in Bogotá , Santiago, and Sa~ o Paulo: an analysis of the initial COVID-19 lockdowns
- Seguel Albornoz, Rodrigo José;
- Gallardo Klenner, Laura Eleonor Gabriela;
- Osses, Mauricio;
- Rojas, Néstor Y.;
- Nogueira, Thiago;
- Menares Menares, Camilo Fernando;
- Andrade, Maria de Fatima;
- Belalcázar, Luis C.;
- Carrasco, Paula;
- Eskes, Henk;
- Fleming, Zoë L.;
- Huneeus Lagos, Nicolás Jorge;
- Ibarra Espinosa, Sergio;
- Landulfo, Eduardo;
- Leiva, Manuel;
- Mangones, Sonia C.;
- Morais, Fernando G.;
- Moreira, Gregori A.;
- Pantoja, Nicolás;
- Parraguez Cerda, Santiago Nicolás;
- Rojas, Jhojan P.;
- Rondanelli Rojas, Roberto Francisco;
- Da Silva Andrade, Izabel;
- Toro, Richard;
- Yoshida, Alexandre C.;
This study delves into the photochemical atmospheric changes reported globally during the pandemic by analyzing the change in emissions from mobile sources and the contribution of local meteorology to ozone (O-3) and particle formation in Bogota (Colombia), Santiago (Chile), and Sao Paulo (Brazil). The impact of mobility reductions (50%-80%) produced by the early coronavirus-imposed lockdown was assessed through high-resolution vehicular emission inventories, surface measurements, aerosol optical depth and size, and satellite observations of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) columns. A generalized additive model (GAM) technique was also used to separate the local meteorology and urban patterns from other drivers relevant for O-3 and NO2 formation. Volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides (NOx), and fine particulate matter (PM2.5) decreased significantly due to motorized trip reductions. In situ nitrogen oxide median surface mixing ratios declined by 70%, 67%, and 67% in Bogota, Santiago, and Sao Paulo, respectively. NO2 column medians from satellite observations decreased by 40%, 35%, and 47%, respectively, which was consistent with the changes in mobility and surface mixing ratio reductions of 34%, 25%, and 34%. However, the ambient NO2 to NOx ratio increased, denoting a shift of the O-3 formation regime that led to a 51%, 36%, and 30% increase in the median O-3 surface mixing ratios in the 3 respective cities. O-3 showed high sensitivity to slight temperature changes during the pandemic lockdown period analyzed. However, the GAM results indicate that O-3 increases were mainly caused by emission changes. The lockdown led to an increase in the median of the maximum daily 8-h average O-3 of between 56% and 90% in these cities.
Prediction of Air Pollution in Latin America and the Caribbean project 777544
Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) 2016/18438-0
Research and Innovation programs 870301
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
Artículo de publícación WoS
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Elem Sci Anth, 10: 1 (2022)
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