The morphology of CS Cha circumbinary disk suggesting the existence of a saturn-mass planet

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Kurtovic, N. T.
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The morphology of CS Cha circumbinary disk suggesting the existence of a saturn-mass planet
Context. Planetshavebeendetectedincircumbinaryorbitsinseveraldifferentsystems,despitetheadditionalchallengesfacedduring their formation in such an environment. Aims. We investigate the possibility of planetary formation in the spectroscopic binary CSCha by analyzing its circumbinary disk. Methods. The system was studied with high angular resolution ALMA observations at 0.87mm. Visibilities modeling and Keplerian fitting are used to constrain the physical properties of CSCha, and the observations were compared to hydrodynamic simulations. Results. Our observations are able to resolve the disk cavity in the dust continuum emission and the 12CO J:3–2 transition. We find thedustcontinuumdisktobeazimuthallyaxisymmetric(lessthan9%ofintensityvariationalongthering)andofloweccentricity(of 0.039 at the peak brightness of the ring). Conclusions. Under certain conditions, low eccentricities can be achieved in simulated disks without the need of a planet, however, the combination of low eccentricity and axisymmetry is consistent with the presence of a Saturn-like planet orbiting near the edge of the cavity.
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
German Research Foundation (DFG) KL 650/26-2
European Research Council (ERC) 101002188
Appeared in source as:European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union
ANID, "Millennium Science Initiative Program" NCN19_171
Comision Nacional de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnologica (CONICYT)
ANID - Millennium Science Initiative Program - Center NCN2021_080
European Research Council (ERC)
Spanish Government 101002188
Funding Data Source:European Research Council (ERC)
Appeared in source as:European Research Council (ERC)
Total Award Amount: €1,673,510.00 EUR
Grant Project Title:PROTOPLANETS - Establishing a global observational view of the early stages of planet formation and evolution
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2022-01-01
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2026-12-31
Principal Investigator:Myriam Benisty
Principal Investigator Institution:Université Grenoble Alpes
Funding Data Source:European Research Council (ERC)
Appeared in source as:European Research Council (ERC)
Total Award Amount: €1,673,510.00 EUR
Grant Project Title:PROTOPLANETS - Establishing a global observational view of the early stages of planet formation and evolution
Start Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2022-01-01
End Date (YYYY-MM-DD): 2026-12-31
Principal Investigator:Myriam Benisty
Principal Investigator Institution:Université Grenoble Alpes
Artículo de publícación WoS Artículo de publicación SCOPUS
Quote Item
A&A 664, A151 (2022)
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