Recent Submissions

  • Toro, Guillermo; Pastenes Villarreal, Claudio; Salvatierra, Ariel; Pimientel, Paula (Elsevier, 2023)
    Sweet cherry is mainly cultivated in arid and semi-arid areas. In the last decade, these areas have experienced a dramatic reduction in rainfall, which has resulted in water shortage for sweet cherry. The use of specific ...
  • Prat del Río, María Loreto; Robinson, James; Muñoz Schick, Carlos Esteban; Garrido Salinas, Marco Isaac (Taylor & Francis, 2024)
    A natural low fruit set is reported in cranberry. It is hypothesised that a carbohydrate shortage limits fruit set, and thus yield potential. We aimed to evaluate the effect of carbohydrate availability induced by shade ...
  • Guo, Wen-Yong; Serra Diaz, Josep M.; Schrodt, Franziska; Eiserhardt, Wolf L.; Maitner, Brian S.; Merow, Cory; Violle, Cyrille; Anand, Madhur; Belluau, Michael; Bruun, Hans Henrik; Byun, Chaeho; Catford, Jane A.; Cerabolini, Bruno E. L.; Chacón Madrigal, Eduardo; Ciccarelli, Daniela; Cornelissen, J. Hans C.; Dang-Le, Anh Tuan; de Frutos, Ángel; Dias, Arildo S.; Giroldo, Aelton B.; Guo, Kun; Gutiérrez Ilabaca, Álvaro Guillermo; Hattingh, Wesley; He, Tianhua; Hietz, Peter; Hough-Snee, Nate; Jansen, Steven; Kattge, Jens; Klein, Tamir; Komac, Benjamín; Kraft, Nathan J. B.; Kramer, Koen; Lavorel, Sandra; Lusk, Christopher H.; Martin, Adam R.; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Michaletz, Sean T.; Minden, Vanessa; Mori, Akira S.; Niinemets, Ulo; Yusuke, Onoda; Peñuelas, Josep; Pillar, Valerio D.; Pisek, Jan; Bjorn J. M., Robroek; Brandon, Schamp; Martijn, Slot; Sosinski Jr., Enio Egon; Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A.; Thiffault, Nelson; Van Bodegom, Peter; Van der Plasj, Fons; Wright, Ian J.; Wubing, Xu; Zheng, Jingming; Enquist, Brian J.; Svenning, Jens-Christian (National Academy of Sciences, 2022)
    Safeguarding Earth's tree diversity is a conservation priority due to the importance of trees for biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services such as carbon sequestration. Here, we improve the foundation for effective ...
  • Cui, Weier; Fiore, Nicola; Zamorano Carrasco, Alan Gerardo (American Phytopathological Society, 2022)
  • Rodríguez, Victoria; Moskwa, Lisa Marie; Oses, Rómulo; Kühn, Peter; Riveras Muñoz, Nicolás; Seguel Seguel, Oscar Rodrigo; Scholten, Thomas; Wagner, Dirk (MDPI, 2022)
    Soil bacteria play a fundamental role in pedogenesis. However, knowledge about both the impact of climate and slope aspects on microbial communities and the consequences of these items in pedogenesis is lacking. Therefore, ...
  • Frohlich, Michael W.; Sage, Rowan F.; Craven, Lyn A.; Schuster, Sebastian; Gigot, Guillaume; Hilger, Hartmut H.; Akhani, Hossein; Mahdav, Parastoo; Luebert Bruron, Federico José; Weigend, Maximilian; Thulin, Mats; Doyle, Jeff J.; Doyle, Jane L.; Vogan, Patrick; Forrest, Alan; Fulcher, Timothy K.; Devey, Dion S.; Chase, Mark W. (Oxford University Press, 2022)
    We present a phylogenetic analysis using plastid (matK, rbcL) and nuclear (nrITS) DNA for diverse Euploca spp. (formerly Heliotropium section Orthostachys) from the worldwide distribution of a genus and including species ...
  • Santelices Moya, Rómulo Eduardo; Gibson Carpintero, Stephanie Francisca; Cabrera Ariza, Antonio; Santini Junior, Luiz; Venegas González, Alejandro (MDPI, 2022)
    Nothofagus alessandrii Espinosa is an endemic species of the coastal Maulino forest of central Chile that has historically been severely threatened by the reduction of its habitat and the isolation of its fragments. In ...
  • León Lobos, Pedro; Salazar, Erika; Díaz, Rodrigo; Hinrichsen, Patricio; Muñoz Schick, Carlos Esteban; Ortega, Fernando (Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias (INIA), Chile, 2022)
    Chile is part of one of the centers of crop origin identified by Vavilov, e.g., for strawberries and potatoes. It is also a center of diversification of other crop species such as maize, beans and quinoa. It is one of the ...
  • Carrasco Gálvez, Basilio Alejandro; Arévalo, Bárbara; Perez Diaz, Ricardo; Rodríguez Alvarez, Yohaily; Gebauer Hernández, Marlene Gloria; Maldonado, Jonathan E.; García Gonzáles, Rolando; Chong Pérez, Borys; Pico Mendoza, José; Meisel, Lee Ann; Ming, Ray; Silva Ascencio, Herman Patricio (MDPI, 2022)
    A genotyping by sequencing (GBS) approach was used to analyze the organization of genetic diversity in V. pubescens and V. chilensis. GBS identified 4675 and 4451 SNPs/INDELs in two papaya species. The cultivated orchards ...
  • Villalobos González, Luis; Alarcón, Nicolás; Bastías, Roberto; Pérez, Cristóbal; Sanz Pizarro, René Tomás; Peña Neira, Álvaro Iván; Pastenes Villarreal, Claudio (MDPI, 2022)
  • van der Sande, MT; Bruelheide, H; Dawson, W; Dengler, J; Essl, F; Field, R; Haider, S; van Kleunen, M; Kreft, H; Pagel, J; Pergl, J; Purschke, O; Pysek, P; Weigelt, P; Winter, M; Attorre, F; Aubin, I; Bergmeier, E; Chytry, M; Dainese, M; De Sanctis, M; Fagundez, J; Golub, V; Guerin, GR; Gutierrez, AG; Jandt, U; Jansen, F; Jimenez-Alfaro, B; Kattge, J; Kearsley, E; Klotz, S; Kramer, K; Moretti, M; Niinemets, U; Peet, RK; Penuelas, J; Petrik, P; Reich, PB; Sandel, B; Schmidt, M; Sibikova, M; Violle, C; Whitfeld, TJS; Wohlgemuth, T; Knight, TM (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2020)
  • Kremer C., Parada F., Homer I., Seguel O. (Universidad de Tarapaca, 2020)
  • Zamorano A., Rodriguez Y.F., Saavedra C.F., Campos C., Tejada N.M., Morales O., Castaneda-Alvarez C., Fiore N. (Technology Society of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2020)
  • Caceres-Polgrossi, L; Promis, A; Gutierrez, AG (Ministerio de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentacion, 2020)
  • Pertuzé R., Baginsky C., Medina C., Bello M., Araya A. (International Society for Horticultural Science, 2020)
  • Cortiella, M. G.; Ubeda, C.; Barrio Galán, R. del; Peña Neira, A (John Wiley and Sons LtdSouthern GateChichester, West SussexPO19, 2020)
  • Pertuzé R., Martínez I., Pinto A., Araya A., Cortés M. (International Society for Horticultural Science, 2020)
  • Bustamante, M; Fernandez, Y; Osorio-Navarro, C; Henriquez, JL (NLM (Medline), 2020)
  • Kattge, J; Bonisch, G; Diaz, S; Lavorel, S; Prentice, IC; Leadley, P; Tautenhahn, S; Werner, GDA; Aakala, T; Abedi, M; Acosta, ATR; Adamidis, GC; Adamson, K; Aiba, M; Albert, CH; Alcantara, JM; Alcazar, CC; Aleixo, I; Ali, H; Amiaud, B; Ammer, C; Amoroso, MM; Anand, M; Anderson, C; Anten, N; Antos, J; Apgaua, DMG; Ashman, TL; Asmara, DH; Asner, GP; Aspinwall, M; Atkin, O; Aubin, I; Baastrup-Spohr, L; Bahalkeh, K; Bahn, M; Baker, T; Baker, WJ; Bakker, JP; Baldocchi, D; Baltzer, J; Banerjee, A; Baranger, A; Barlow, J; Barneche, DR; Baruch, Z; Bastianelli, D; Battles, J; Bauerle, W; Bauters, M; Bazzato, E; Beckmann, M; Beeckman, H; Beierkuhnlein, C; Bekker, R; Belfry, G; Belluau, M; Beloiu, M; Benavides, R; Benomar, L; Berdugo-Lattke, ML; Berenguer, E; Bergamin, R; Bergmann, J; Carlucci, MB; Berner, L; Bernhardt-Romermann, M; Bigler, C; Bjorkman, AD; Blackman, C; Blanco, C; Blonder, B; Blumenthal, D; Bocanegra-Gonzalez, KT; Boeckx, P; Bohlman, S; Bohning-Gaese, K; Boisvert-Marsh, L; Bond, W; Bond-Lamberty, B; Boom, A; Boonman, CCF; Bordin, K; Boughton, EH; Boukili, V; Bowman, DMJS; Bravo, S; Brendel, MR; Broadley, MR; Brown, KA; Bruelheide, H; Brumnich, F; Bruun, HH; Bruy, D; Buchanan, SW; Bucher, SF; Buchmann, N; Buitenwerf, R; Bunker, DE; Burger, J; Burrascano, S; Burslem, DFRP; Butterfield, BJ; Byun, C; Marques, M; Scalon, MC; Caccianiga, M; Cadotte, M; Cailleret, M; Camac, J; Camarero, JJ; Campany, C; Campetella, G; Campos, JA; Cano-Arboleda, L; Canullo, R; Carbognani, M; Carvalho, F; Casanoves, F; Castagneyrol, B; Catford, JA; Cavender-Bares, J; Cerabolini, BEL; Cervellini, M; Chacon-Madrigal, E; Chapin, K; Chapin, FS; Chelli, S; Chen, SC; Chen, AP; Cherubini, P; Chianucci, F; Choat, B; Chung, KS; Chytry, M; Ciccarelli, D; Coll, L; Collins, CG; Conti, L; Coomes, D; Cornelissen, JHC; Cornwell, WK; Corona, P; Coyea, M; Craine, J; Craven, D; Cromsigt, JPGM; Csecserits, A; Cufar, K; Cuntz, M; da Silva, AC; Dahlin, KM; Dainese, M; Dalke, I; Dalle Fratte, M; Anh, TDL; Danihelka, J; Dannoura, M; Dawson, S; de Beer, AJ; De Frutos, A; De Long, JR; Dechant, B; Delagrange, S; Delpierre, N; Derroire, G; Dias, AS; Diaz-Toribio, MH; Dimitrakopoulos, PG; Dobrowolski, M; Doktor, D; Drevojan, P; Dong, N; Dransfield, J; Dressler, S; Duarte, L; Ducouret, E; Dullinger, S; Durka, W; Duursma, R; Dymova, O; E-Vojtko, A; Eckstein, RL; Ejtehadi, H; Elser, J; Emilio, T; Engemann, K; Gutierrez, AG; et al (Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2020)
  • Homer I., Varnero M.T., Bedregal C. (Universidad de Tarapaca, 2020)

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