Now showing items 1401-1420 of 1626

    • Morandé Lavín, Felipe; Tejada, Mauricio (BANCO CENTRAL CHILE, 2008-12)
      his m paper m analyzes m the m quantitative m relevance m of m additive, m ultiplicative m and m data uncertainty in the implementation of Chile’s monetary policy. For the analysis of data uncertainty we focus on the ...
    • Rodríguez Ponce, Emilio; Pedraja Rejas, Liliana; Rodríguez Ponce, Juan (Instittuto de Investigación Universidad del Zulia (LUZ), 2008-01)
      The purpose of this study was to identify whether or not leadership styles have a statistically significant influence on the effectiveness of private enterprises. An empirical study was carried out with the participation ...
    • O'Ryan Gallardo, Miguel; Sánchez, José Miguel (OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2008-08)
      The ambient permit system proposed in the literature for cost-effective pollution reduction is difficult to implement and may result in lower net benefits than using another instrument. The article develops a model for ...
    • Barría Traverso, Diego (2008)
      Este trabajo estudia la discusión pública en torno a la reorganización ministerial llevada a cabo en Chile en 1887. A partir del debate sobre si el gobierno de Balmaceda tuvo orientaciones económicas distintas con respecto ...
    • Olavarrieta Soto, Sergio; Friedmann, Roberto (Elsevier Science, 2008-06)
      Based upon new perspectives to explain superior business performance, an integrative conceptual model that links these different explanations of superior performance is presented, highlighting the role of knowledge-related ...
    • Olavarrieta Soto, Sergio; Farías Nazel, Pablo; Manzur Mobarec, Enrique; Hidalgo Campos, Pedro (Instittuto de Investigación Universidad del Zulia, 2008-12)
      Los investigadores de marketing constantemente han estudiado los mercados formales (e.g., supermercados, tiendas por departamento). Sin embargo, pocos estudios de marketing han investigado a los mercados informales (e.g., ...
    • Benavente Hormazábal, José; Külzer S., Cintia (UNIV CHILE DEPT ECONOMICS, 2008-12)
      In this paper we describe the pattern. of creation and destruction of Chilean firms between 1999 and, 2006. In addition, we construct transition matrices among different firm sizes based on tax information. It has to be ...
    • Contreras Guajardo, Dante; Neilson, Christopher; Hermann Anguita, Jorge; Cooper, Ryan (Cambridge University Press, 2008-05)
      This paper uses the 1996–2001 National Socioeconomic Survey panel database to analyse poverty dynamics in Chile, drawing a distinction between chronic and transient poverty. We found that while 20 per cent of the ...
    • Álvarez Espinoza, Roberto; López, Ricardo A. (SPRINGER, 2008-12)
      This paper investigates whether exporting generates positive productivity spillover effects on other plants in the same industry and on plants in vertically related industries. Using data for Chilean manufacturing plants ...
    • Medrano, Patricia; Rodríguez, Catherine; Villa, Edgar (The Economic Society of South Africa, 2008-12)
      This paper studies the effect that mother's education as knowledge has on child health using height for age as health measure. Using cross sectional data from de 1993 South Africa Integrated Household Survey, and health ...
    • Zurita Alarcón, Gustavo; Nussbaum Voehl, Miguel (SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, 2006)
      An architecture for building an ad-hoc wireless network is presented in which various face-to-face, peer-to-peer collaborative applications function simultaneously and the interconnections between group members are highly ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Fuentes, J. Rodrigo (ELSEVIER, 2006-03)
      This paper provides a framework for analyzing the growth dynamics of Chile. Using univariate time series representations, we find that the Chilean data is more consistent with exogenous rather than endogenous growth models. ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (BERKELEY ELECTRONIC PRESS, 2006-05)
      This paper analyzes whether or not the econometric methods usually applied to test for absolute convergence have provided this hypothesis a "fair" chance. I show that traditional (absolute and conditional) convergence tests ...
    • Bravo Ortega, Claudio; Di Giovanni, Julian (INT MONETARY FUND, 2006)
      This paper examines the impact of trade costs on real exchange rate volatility. The relationship is examined by constructing a two-country Ricardian model of trade, based on the work of Dornbusch, Fischer, and Samuelson ...
    • Bonnisseau, Jean Marc; Rivera Cayupi, Jorge (SPRINGER/PLENUM PUBLISHERS, 2006-11)
      We consider an exchange economy where the consumers face linear inequality constraints on consumption. We parametrize the economy with the initial endowments and constraints. We exhibit sufficient conditions on the constraints ...
    • Berstein, Solange M.; Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (BLACKWELL, 2006-03)
      Since the creation of the Chilean pension fund industry in 1981, pension fund administrators have not been free to choose their investment portfolios because of stringent regulation of investment limits. The diagnosis ...
    • Arenas de Mesa, Alberto; Mesa Lago, Carmelo (OXFORD UNIV PRESS, 2006)
      Chile pioneered a structural reform in Latin America that privatized its public pension system and influenced similar reforms in another nine countries. Twenty-five years later, this article evaluates the macroeconomic, ...
    • Ffrench-Davis Muñoz, Ricardo; Agosín Trumper, Manuel (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 1997-12)
      This special volume of Estudios de Economía is devoted to issues of international finance in emerging economies. Finance was at the heart of the debt crisis of the 1980s. It was also a leading force in the Tequila crisis, ...
    • Sanhueza, Ricardo (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 1997-06)
      La crisis de los sistemas de seguridad social en salud ha motivado reformas que han buscado expandir la acción del mercado introduciendo elementos competitivos que aseguren mayores niveles de eficiencia. Dichas reformas ...
    • Peña, Julio (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 1996-06)
      It is commonly held that fishing collapse is a public bad. Losses in genetic endowment and the closure of fishing industries underlie this concern. This paper discusses both the welfare functional as well as the technological ...