Now showing items 1421-1440 of 1626

    • Peña, Julio (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 1996-06)
      Este trabajo es pionero en estimar funciones de captura de tipo Cobb- Douglas para la pesquería pelágica del norte chileno. Se usa un panel con datos de captura y esfuerzo pesquero anuales para la flota industrial que ...
    • Gutiérrez, Héctor (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 1996-06)
      En este artículo se estima el factor de crowding out entre inversión pública y privada relevante para Chile, apropiado para su uso en el cálculo de la tasa social de descuento. Para ello se utiliza un modelo macroeconómico ...
    • Paredes Molina, Ricardo; Baytelman, Yael (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 1996-08)
      Over the last fefteen years, urban transport congestion in Santiago, Chile, has concerned authorities, academicians and the public in general. Unlike other congested cities, the case of Santiago is a very special one, ...
    • Gutiérrez, Héctor (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 1996-08)
      The avoid the development of a congestion problem in roads and streets, the supply of transport infrastructure should keep pace with its demand. However, this is not an easy task, because the required funds tend to growth ...
    • Rogat C., Jorge; Firinguetti, Luis; Figueroa Benavides, Eugenio (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 1996-08)
      There is no doubt regarding the negative effects of air pollution on human health, economic property and the environment. The almost five million inhabitants living in Santiago, Chile, are exposed to high levels of air ...
    • Letelier Saavedra, Leonardo (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 1995-12)
      This paper focuses on the relationship between income distribution and growth. It first addresses the theoretical contributions to this issue and secondly it analyzes the empirical evidence available. Three important ...
    • Fuentes, Rodrigo (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 1995-12)
      This paper highligts a long-standing debate on whether openess does help economic efficiency in the light of the data for chilean manufacturing industry. To do so, we analyze the TFP growth during the period of the abrupt ...
    • Aghón B., Gabriel; Letelier Saavedra, Leonardo (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 1996-08)
      This paper is intended to analyze, in a comparative pespective, the finacing mechanisms of urban local governments in two groups of countries. The frist group refers to a sample of OECD countries. They are rather ...
    • Uribe Bravo, Rodrigo; Gunter, Barrie (2007)
      This article considers whether 'sensational' news stories are intrinsically more likely to elicit emotional responses in audiences than other TV news stories. The research analyses a sample of British televised news in ...
    • Gómez-Lobo Echeñique, Andrés (2007)
      In this paper a model is presented based on ideas borrowed from the job search and price dispersion literature to characterise the pricing equilibrium of a competitive bus market in a more general setting than previously ...
    • Bohnet, Iris; Baytelman, Yael (2007)
      Institutions matter - but how? This article employs experiments to examine whether institutions only affect trust and trustworthiness behavior by changing constraints and thereby the beliefs people hold about others' ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo; Hermann Anguita, Jorge (2007)
      This paper presents a robust finding for the relationship between money growth and inflation in Chile: inflation causes (precedes) money and not the other way around. This result holds irrespectively of the way in which ...
    • Crespi, Gustavo; Katz Sliapnic, Jorge (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 1999-12)
      This research submits evidence on the nature of the accumulation of knowledge in Chilean manufacturing industry. Microeconomic data shows that factors which are both firm and the industry specific are relevant to the ...
    • Álvarez Espinoza, Roberto; Crespi, Gustavo (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2000-12)
      During recent decades, the good performance of the export sector has been one of the main sources of fast economic growth in the Chilean economy. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of some public promotion instruments ...
    • Chumacero Escudero, Rómulo (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2000-06)
      Este documento presenta evidencia contundente en contra de la hipótesis nula de que series tales como el IMACEC, el consumo o el PIB chilenos presentan una raíz unitaria. Esta evidencia se apoya en resultados derivados ...
    • Núñez Errázuriz, Javier (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2000-06)
      This paper analyses incentives for self-regulation of quality from a principal-agent perspective, in a context of repeated interaction between a Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) and consumers who can not observe SRO ...
    • Holland, David; Figueroa Benavides, Eugenio; Gilbert, John (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2001-12)
      Chilean agricultural and food processing industries have experienced considerable investment in recent years and are an important part of the export base in Chile. In this paper we use an Input-Output (IO) analysis to ...
    • Galetovic Potsch, Alexander (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2002-12)
      Esta nota estudia los determinantes de la tasa apropiada para fijar peajes de transmisión. Para ello se desarrolla un modelo simple que permite descomponerla en una suma de la tasa libre de riesgo y el premio por ...
    • Gómez-Lobo Echeñique, Andrés (Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2001-12)
      The effort to correct the national accounts in order calculate NNP or related ‘Green GDP’ concepts, known as natural resources accounting, has been a lively research area in the last decade. Two basic methodologies ...
    • Álvarez Espinoza, Roberto (Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Economía, 2001-06)
      There are several arguments in the literature regarding that more open economies would grow faster in the long term. Nevertheless, the channels through which openness increases growth have not been clearly identified in ...