Now showing items 641-660 of 11560

    • Gainza Lein, Marina Andrea; Barcia Aguilar, Cristina; Piantino, Juan; Chapman, Kevin E.; Sánchez Fernández, Iván; Amengual Gual, Marta; Anderson, Anne; Appavu, Brian; Arya, Ravindra; Brenton, James Nicholas; Carpenter, Jéssica L.; Clark, Justice; Farías Moeller, Raquel; Gaillard, William D.; Glauser, Tracy A.; Goldstein, Joshua L.; Goodkin, Howard P.; Huh, Linda; Kahoud, Robert; Kapur, Kush; Lai, Yi-Chen; McDonough, Tiffani L.; Mikati, Mohamad A.; Morgan, Lindsey A.; Nayak, Anuranjita; Novotny, Edward; Ostendorf, Adam P.; Payne, Eric T.; Peariso, Katrina; Reece, Latania; Riviello, James; Sannagowdara, Kumar; Sands, Tristan T.; Sheehan, Theodore; Tasker, Robert C.; Tchapyjnikov, Dmitry; Vásquez, Alejandra; Wainwright, Mark S.; Wilfong, Angus; Williams, Korwyn; Zhang, Bo; Loddenkemper, Tobías (Wiley, 2021)
      Objective: This study was undertaken to describe long-term clinical and developmental outcomes in pediatric refractory status epilepticus (RSE) and identify factors associated with new neurological deficits after ...
    • Gentile, Ángela; Torres Torretti, Juan Pablo; López López, Pío; Ulloa Gutiérrez, Rolando (Sociedad Chilena de Infectología, 2021)
      A pesar de que la tosferina (coqueluche) es una enfermedad prevenible por vacunas (EPV), la epidemiología latinoamericana muestra que hay persistencia de brotes en la región. Esta persistencia se debe, al menos en parte, ...
    • Parra, Mario Alfredo; Báez, Sandra; Sedeño, Lucas; González Campo, Cecilia; Santamaría García, Hernando; Aprahamian, Iván; Bertolucci, Paulo H. F.; Bustin, Julián; Camargos Bicalho, María Aparecida; Cano Gutiérrez, Carlos; Caramelli, Paulo; Chaves, Marcia L. F.; Cogram, Patricia; Costa Beber, Bárbara; Court, Felipe A.; Cruz de Souza, Leonardo; Custodio, Nilton; Damián, Andrés; Cruz, Myriam de la; Rodríguez, Roberta Diehl; Dozzi Brucki, Sonia María; Fajersztajn, Lais; Farías Gontupil, Gonzalo Andrés; Felice, Fernanda G. de; Ferrari, Raffaele; Ferreira de Oliveira, Fabricio; Ferreira, Sergio T.; Ferretti, Ceres; Figueredo Balthazar, Marcio Luiz; Ferreira Frota, Norberto Anizio; Fuentes, Patricio; García, Adolfo A.; García, Patricia J.; De Gobbi Porto, Fábio Henrique; Duque Peñailillo, Lissette; Engler, HenryWilly; Maier, Irene; Mata, Ignacio F.; González Billault, Christian; López, Oscar L.; Morelli, Laura; Nitrini, Ricardo; Quiroz, Yakeel T.; Guerrero Barragán, Alejandra; Huepe, David; Pio, Fabricio Joao; Kimie Suemoto, Claudia; Kochhann, Renata; Kochen, Silvia; Kumfor, Fiona; Lanata, Serggio; Miller, Bruce; Mansur, Leticia Lessa; Hosogi, Mirna Lie; Lillo, Patricia; Guerra, Jorge Llibre; Lira, David; Lopera, Francisco; Comas, Adelina; Ávila Funes, José Alberto; Sosa, Ana Luisa; Ramos, Claudia; França Resende, Elisa de Paula; Snyder, Heather M.; Tarnanas, Ioannis; Yokoyama, Jenifer; Llibre, Juan; Cardona, Juan Felipe; Possin, Kate; Kosik, Kenneth S.; Montesinos, Rosa; Moguilner, Sebastián; Solís, Patricia Cristina Lourdes; Ferretti Rebustini, Renata Eloah de Lucena; Ramírez, Jerónimo Martin; Matallana, Diana; Mbakile Mahlanza, Lingani; Marques Ton, Alyne Mendonça; Tavares, Ronnielly Melo; Miotto, Eliane C.; Muniz Terrera, Graciela; Muñoz Nevárez, Luis Arnoldo; Orozco, David; De Oliveira, Maira Okada; Piguet, Olivier; Caipa, Maritza Pintado; Piña Escudero, Stefanie Danielle; Schilling, Lucas Porcello; Rodrigues Palmeira, André Luiz; Sanches Yassuda, Mônica; Santacruz Escudero, José Manuel; Serafim, Rodrigo Bernardo; Smid, Jerusa; Slachevsky, Andrea; Serrano, Cecilia; Soto Añari, Marcio; Takada, Leonel Tadao; Grinberg, Lea Tenenholz; Teixeira, Antonio Lucio; Barbosa, Maira Tonidandel; Trépel, Dominic; Ibáñez, Agustín (Wiley, 2021)
      Across Latin American and Caribbean countries (LACs), the fight against dementia faces pressing challenges, such as heterogeneity, diversity, political instability, and socioeconomic disparities. These can be addressed ...
    • Ordoñez, Carlos A.; Parra, Michael W.; Millán, Mauricio; Caicedo, Yaset; Padilla, Natalia; García, Alberto; Franco, María Josefa; Aristizábal, Gonzalo; Toro, Luis Eduardo; Pino, Luis Fernando; González Hadad, Adolfo; Herrera, Mario Alain; Serna, José Julián; Rodríguez Olguín, Fernando; Salcedo, Alexander; Orlas, Claudia; Guzmán Rodríguez, Mónica Andrea; Hernández, Fabian; Ferrada, Ricardo; Ivatury, Rao (Corporación Editora Medica Valle, 2021)
      The overall incidence of duodenal injuries in severely injured trauma patients is between 0.2 to 0.6% and the overall prevalence in those suffering from abdominal trauma is 3 to 5%. Approximately 80% of these cases are ...
    • Meyts, Isabelle; Bucciol, Giorgia; Quinti, Isabella; Neven, Bénédicte; Fischer, Alain; Seoane, Elena; López Granados, Eduardo; Gianelli, Carla; Robles Marhuenda, Ángel; Jeandel, Pierre-Yves; Paillard, Catherine; Sankaran, Vijay G.; Demirdag, Yesim Yilmaz; Lougaris, Vassilios; Aiuti, Alessandro; Plebani, Alessandro; Milito, Cinzia; Dalm, Virgil ASH; Guevara Hoyer, Kissy; Sánchez Ramón, Silvia; Bezrodnik, Liliana; Barzaghi, Federica; González Granado, Luis Ignacio; Hayman, Grant R.; Uzel, Gulbu; Oliveira Mendonca, Leonardo; Agostini, Carlo; Spadaro, Giuseppe; Badolato, Raffaele; Soresina, Annarosa; Vermeulen, François; Bosteels, Cedric; Lambrecht, Bart N.; Keller, Michael; Mustillo, Peter J.; Abraham, Roshini S.; Gupta, Sudhir; Ozen, Ahmet; Karakoc Aydiner, Elif; Baris, Safa; Freeman, Alexandra F.; Yamazaki Nakashimada, Marco; Scheffler Mendoza, Selma; Espinosa Padilla, Sara; Gennery, Andrew R.; Jolles, Stephen; Espinosa Vielma, Yazmin Paulina; Poli Harlowe, María Cecilia; Fieschi, Claire; Hauck, Fabian; Cunningham Rundles, Charlotte; Mahlaoui, Nizar; Warnatz, Klaus; Sullivan, Kathleen E.; Tangye, Stuart G. (Mosby-Elsevier, 2021)
      Background: There is uncertainty about the impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in individuals with rare inborn errors of immunity (IEI), a population at risk of developing ...
    • Salcedo, Alexander; Ordoñez, Carlos A.; Parra, Michael W.; Osorio, José Daniel; Guzmán Rodríguez, Mónica Andrea; Pino, Luis Fernando; Herrera, Mario Alain; González Hadad, Adolfo; Serna, José Julián; García, Alberto; Coccolini, Federico; Catena, Fausto (Corporación Editora Medica Valle, 2021)
      Urologic trauma is frequently reported in patients with penetrating trauma. Currently, the computerized tomography and vascular approach through angiography/embolization are the standard approaches for renal trauma. ...
    • Tong, Allison; Baumgart, Amanda; Evangelidis, Nicole; Viecelli, Andrea K.; Carter, Simón A.; Azevedo, Luciano Cesar; Cooper, Tess; Bersten, Andrew; Cervantes, Lilia; Chew, Derek P.; Crowe, Sally; Douglas, Ivor S.; Flemyng, Ella; Elliott, Julián H.; Hannan, Elyssa; Horby, Peter; Howell, Martín; Ju, Angela; Lee, Jaehee; Lorca Herrera, Eduardo Ignacio; Lynch, Deena; Manera, Karine E.; Marshall, John C.; Matus González, Andrea; McKenzie, Anne; Mehta, Sangeeta; Mer, Mervyn; Conway Morris, Andrew; Needham, Dale M.; Nseir, Saad; Povoa, Pedro; Reid, Mark; Sakr, Yasser; Shen, Ning; Smyth, Alan R.; Simpson, A. John; Snelling, Tom; Strippoli, Giovanni F. M.; Teixeira Pinto, Armando; Torres, Antoni; Turner, Tari; Webb, Steve; Williamson, Paula R.; Woc Colburn, Laila; Zhang, Junhua; Craig, Jonathan C. (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2021)
      OBJECTIVES: Respiratory failure, multiple organ failure, shortness of breath, recovery, and mortality have been identified as critically important core outcomes by more than 9300 patients, health professionals, and ...
    • Figueroa Giralt, Manuel Gonzalo; Orellana, Omar; Herranz Álvarez, José Manuel (Colegio Brasileiro Cirugía Digestiva - CBCD, 2021)
    • Saavedra Campos, Martín Alonso; López Pérez, Ricardo Arturo (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana del Ecuador, 2022)
      The conception of humanistic formation has been an omnipresent subject at college professional education. Both, in institutional statements and in more specific formative purposes, the relevance of education oriented by ...
    • Serón, Pamela; Oliveros, María José; Gutiérrez Arias, Ruvistay; Fuentes Aspe, Rocío; Torres Castro, Rodrigo Hernán; Merino Osorio, Catalina; Nahuelhual, Paula; Inostroza, Jacqueline; Jalil, Yorschua; Solano, Ricardo; Marzuca Nassr, Gabriel N.; Aguilera Eguía, Raúl; Lavados Romo, Pamela; Soto Rodríguez, Francisco J.; Sabelle, Cecilia; Villarroel Silva, Gregory; Gomolán, Patricio; Huaiquilaf, Sayen; Sánchez, Paulina (Oxford, 2021)
      Objective. The purpose of this article was to summarize the available evidence from systematic reviews on telerehabilitation in physical therapy. Methods. We searched Medline/PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Library databases. ...
    • Simoes, Eric A. F.; Forleo Neto, Eduardo; Geba, Gregory P.; Kamal, Mohamed; Yang, Feng; Cicirello, Helen; Houghton, Matthew R.; Rideman, Ronald; Zhao, Qiong; Benvin, Sarah L.; Hawes, Alicia; Fuller, Erin D.; Wloga, Elzbieta; Novoa Pizarro, José M.; Muñoz, Flor M.; Rush, Scott A.; McLellan, Jason S.; Lipsich, Leah; Stahl, Neil; Yancopoulos, George D.; Weinreich, David M.; Kyratsous, Christos A.; Sivapalasingam, Sumathi (Oxford, 2021)
      Background. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of childhood medically attended respiratory infection (MARI). Methods. We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial in 1154 preterm ...
    • Lucero Álvarez, Yalda; Matson, David O.; Ashkenazi, Shai; George Carreño, Sergio Andrés; O'Ryan Gallardo, Miguel (MDPI, 2021)
      Human Norovirus is currently the main viral cause of acute gastroenteritis (AGEs) in most countries worldwide. Nearly 50 years after the discovery of the “Norwalk virus” by Kapikian and colleagues, the scientific and ...
    • González, Fernando; Pinzón Segura, María Camila; Pineda Restrepo, Bertha Luz; Calle Dávila, María del Carmen; Siles Valenzuela, Estefanía; Herrera Olano, Natalia; Mesa Rubio, María Lucía (Pan Amer Health, 2021)
      Objetivo. Describir las estrategias que fueron establecidas por Chile, Colombia y Perú durante el primer año de la pandemia por COVID-19 y compararlas desde el enfoque de derechos de la niñez. Métodos. Se realizó un ...
    • Mundt, Adrián; Irarrázaval Domínguez, Matías; Martínez, Pablo; Fernández González, Olga; Martínez Nahuel, Vania Angélica; Rojas Castillo, María Graciela (JMIR, 2021)
      Background: Children and adolescents living under the supervision of child protective services have complex mental health care needs. The scarcity and uneven distribution of specialized mental health teams in Chile may ...
    • Veloso Giménez, Valentina; Escamilla, Rosalb; Necuñir, David; Corrales Orovio, Rocío; Riveros, Sergio; Marino, Carlo; Ehrenfeld, Carolina; Guzmán, Christian Dani; Boric, Mauricio P.; Rebolledo, Rolando; Egaña, José Tomás (Frontiers Media, 2021)
      Oxygen is the key molecule for aerobic metabolism, but no animal cells can produce it, creating an extreme dependency on external supply. In contrast, microalgae are photosynthetic microorganisms, therefore, they are able ...
    • De Almeida Luz, Murilo; Cardoso Guimarães, Gustavo; Nardi, Aguinaldo César; Feres Lima Pompeo, Alexandre Saad; Sadek Sarkis, Álvaro; Nowier, Amr; Lima Pompeo, Antonio Carlos; Nardozza Jr, Archimedes; Adamy Jr, Ari; Carneiro, Arie; Peres Salvajoli, Bernardo; Benigno, Bruno Santos; De Freitas Jr, Celso Heitor; Daher Cezar Chade, Clarissa Angotti; Freitas Palhares, Daniel Moore; Citarella Otero, Danilo Armando; Vieira da Silva Neto, Deusdedit Cortéz; Carvalhal, Eduardo Franco; Gil, Erlon; De Arruda, Fernando Freire; Korkes, Fernando; Lemos, Gustavo Caserta; Carvalhal, Gustavo Franco; De Carvalho, Icaro Thiago; Pinto Gimpel, Iván Federico; Chambô, José Luis; Pontes Jr, José; Ribeiro Filho, Leopoldo Alves; Nogueira, Lucas Mendes; Wroclawski, Marcelo Langer; Pereira Freitas, Marcelo Roberto; Arap, Marco Antônio; Sadi, Marcus Vinícius; Bulbul, Muhammad; Coelho, Rafael Ferreira; Gadia, Rafael; Khauli, Raja B.; Dos Reis, Rodolfo Borges; Ledezma Rojas, Rodrigo Antonio; Guimarães, Roger Guilherme; Aldousari, Saad; Ferrigno, Robson (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2021)
      PURPOSE A group of international urology and medical oncology experts developed and completed a survey on prostate cancer (PCa) in developing countries. The results are reviewed and summarized, and recommendations on ...
    • Sculier, Claudine; Aguilar, Cristina Barcia; Gaspard, Nicolas; Gainza Lein, Marina Andrea; Sánchez Fernández, Iván; Amengual Gual, Marta; Anderson, Anne; Arya, Ravindra; Burrows, Brian T.; Brenton, James N.; Carpenter, Jessica L.; Chapman, Kevin E.; Clark, Justice; Gaillard, William D.; Glauser, Tracy A.; Goldstein, Joshua L.; Goodkin, Howard P.; Gorman, Mark; Lai, Yi-Chen; McDonough, Tiffani L.; Mikati, Mohamad A.; Nayak, Anuranjita; Peariso, Katrina; Riviello, James; Rusie, Allison; Sperberg, Katherine; Stredny, Coral M.; Tasker, Robert C.; Tchapyjnikov, Dmitry; Vásquez, Alejandra; Wainwright, Mark S.; Wilfong, Angus A.; Williams, Korwyn; Loddenkemper, Tobias (Wiley, 2021)
      Objective: We aimed to characterize the clinical profile and outcomes of new onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE) in children, and investigated the relationship between fever onset and status epilepticus (SE). Methods: ...
    • Blanco, Rancés; Carrillo Beltrán, Diego; Corvalán, Alejandro H.; Aguayo, Francisco (MDPI, 2021)
      Simple Summary A subset of carcinomas that arise in the head and neck region show a viral etiology. In fact, a subgroup of oropharyngeal cancers are caused by some types of human papillomavirus (HPV), so-called high-risk ...
    • González, Luis F.; Bevilacqua Corredoira, Lorenzo Emilio; Naves Pichuante, Rodrigo Antonio (MDPI, 2021)
      Mitochondria are vital organelles in eukaryotic cells that control diverse physiological processes related to energy production, calcium homeostasis, the generation of reactive oxygen species, and cell death. Several studies ...
    • Castagnola, Elio; Bagnasco, Francesca; Mesini, Alessio; Agyeman, Philipp K. A.; Ammann, Roland A.; Carlesse, Fabianne; Santolaya de Pablo, Maria Elena; Groll, Andreas H.; Haeusler, Gabrielle M.; Lehrnbecher, Thomas; Simon, Arne; D’Amico, María Rosaría; Duong, Austin; Idelevich, Evgeny A.; Luckowitsch, Marie; Meli, Mariaclaudia; Menna, Giuseppe; Palmert, Sasha; Russo, Giovanna; Sarno, Marco; Solopova, Galina; Tondo, Annalisa; Traubici, Yona; Sung, Lillian (MDPI, 2021)
      Bloodstream infections (BSI) are a severe complication of antineoplastic chemotherapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), especially in the presence of antibiotic resistance (AR). A multinational, multicenter ...