Hyperstories: A Model to Specify and Design Interactive Educational Stories

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Sánchez Ilabaca, Jaime
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Hyperstories: A Model to Specify and Design Interactive Educational Stories
We introduce a conceptual model for building interactive hypermedia literary stories. Hyperstories
extend and plasticize the idea of «branching games» and the classic «choose your own adventure»
stories. The model combines static and dynamic objects embedded in nested contexts to allow flexible
navigation through virtual worlds. Hyperstories include the concept of object migration between nodes,
underexplored in hypermedia environments. As a result, the model supports objects manipulated by the
learner, autonomous objects, characters representing entities that behave independently from the user,
and a clear separation between content and interface representation. We discuss different aspects
involved in the implementation of hyperstories. Finally, we analyze some further trends and issues in this
growing line of research
General note
Paper to be presented in the XVII International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society,
November 13 - 15, 1997, Valparaíso, Chile.
URI: https://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/120338