Browsing by Title Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Educación
Now showing items 1-20 of 91
(Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italia, 2020)The education of first and second graders was the hardest hit by the pandemic. They have to learn to read, which is the biggest learning leap one can take. However, learning to read with a remote teacher is very complex ...
(Blackwell Publishing, 2020)
(Universidad de ChileUNICEF, 2008)
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2020)
An Application of Machine Learning and Image Processing to Automatically Detect Teachers’ Gestures (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2020)
(Springer, 2016)Few studies have addressed vocabulary quality in developing writing skill in Spanish. Even less addressed it within the Chilean educational system. The specific objective of this study was to characterize, using a comprehensive ...
(John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2020)This study is aims to analyse how the communicative approach is implemented in Hispanic-American curricula in the Language courses. Specifically, it investigates the link between communicative competences (reading, writing ...
(MDPI, 2021)Education is critical for improving energy efficiency and reducing CO2 concentration, but collaboration between countries is also critical. It is a global problem in which we cannot isolate ourselves. Our students must ...
(Ocho Libros Editores, 2010)Describe y analiza una muestra de seis programas asistencia técnica educativa (ATE) provistos a escuelas que educan preferentemente a alumnos de bajo nivel socioeconómico. El objetivo fue identificar componentes y criterios ...
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland, 2020)
(Frontiers Media, 2021)Detecting the direction of the gaze and orientation of the body of both teacher and students is essential to estimate who is paying attention to whom. It also provides vital clues for understanding their unconscious, ...
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021)The article presents results of studies in Chile and Portugal during COVID-19 lockdowns and remote teaching conditions. In each of both countries, over two thousand teachers of all school levels and types were surveyed ...
(Frontiers Media, 2020)Cooperation and competition are two ways of social interaction keys to life in society. Recent EEG-based hyperscanning studies reveal that cooperative and competitive interactions induce an increase in interbrain coupling. ...
(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2020)En el Chile de la última década, los análisis de la acción colectiva en episodios de conflicto urbano se han enfocado en los mecanismos cognitivos de subjetivación política que se despliegan en la praxis de los movimientos ...
(Routledge Journals, 2020)This article analyses the modes of physical access that facilitate participation in digital opportunities and the development of digital skills in children and adolescents (9 to 17 years old). We analysed the data obtained ...
Comparing apples and oranges? A critical look at research on learning from statics versus animations (Pergamon-Elsevier Science, 2016-11)Many of the studies that have compared the instructional effectiveness of static with dynamic images have not controlled all the moderating variables involved. This problem is present not only in instructional pictures ...
(Elsevier, 2015)Whether the neural mechanisms that underlie the processing of a second language in highly proficient late bilinguals (L2 late learners) are similar or not to those that underlie the processing of the first language (L1) ...
(, 2020)
(Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos Madrid, 2021)Nowadays, there is still debate about the origin of arithmetic disabilities. Two predominant hypotheses have been developed in this regard: 1) difficulties in arithmetic appear due to a deficit in domain-specific skills ...