Influence of sociodemographic, health-related, and behavioral factors on food guidelines compliance in older adults: a hierarchical approach from the chilean national health survey 2016-17 data

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Albuquerque Araújo, Leticia de
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Influence of sociodemographic, health-related, and behavioral factors on food guidelines compliance in older adults: a hierarchical approach from the chilean national health survey 2016-17 data
Dietary habits are determinants in the development of a range of conditions and age-related diseases. We explored the associations of sociodemographic, health-related indicators, and health behavioral factors on dietary guideline compliance in elderly Chileans. We used a cross-sectional design using the publicly available database from the last Chilean National Health Survey (2016-17). The sample of 1831 older adults (>= 60 y) from a national representative sample. The dependent variable was compliance with Food Guidelines (FG) (daily consumption of water, dairy, and fruits and vegetables; and weekly consumption of legumes and fish). The independent variables included sociodemographic, health-related, and behavioral factors. Over half (51.8%) of the sample was female and 85.7% belonged to the 60-79 age group. Satisfactory compliance to FG was observed in 3.9% of the sample. In the adjusted analysis, for those between 60 and 79 y, marital status was the only significant variable associated with FG noncompliance (PR: 1.34; 95%CI: 1.04-1.71). For those over 80 y, income of >2 minimum wages (PR: 0.10; 95%CI: 0.02-0.61), living alone (PR: 1.72; 95%CI: 1.20-2.47), and self-reported cardiovascular disease (PR: 0.63; 95%CI: 0.43-0.93) were associated with FG noncompliance. We observed low FG compliance among elderly Chilean adults, especially in the oldest group. Factors associated with the FG compliance was different between age groups.
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Geriatrics 2022, 7, 47
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