Statistical mechanical model in legislative networks
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Pasten Guzmán, Denisse
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Statistical mechanical model in legislative networks
Professor Advisor
Looking for ways to quantify political polarization on parliaments, we have built a
statistical mechanics model for the specific case of a legislative networks from roll-call
votes. For this we have considered a network of legislators that is fully connected
and whose links have assigned values of 1 or -1 accordingly if a pair representatives
have vote the same or not. Then, we have taken links a triangles in the networks as
spins, and from there we developed a mathematical formalism which led us to derive
expression for magnetizations, entropies, energy and temperature for the system. En busca de cuantificar la polarizaci´on pol´ıtica en parlamentos, hemos construido un
modelo de mec´anica estad´ıstica para el caso espec´ıfico de una red legislativa creada
a partir de votos en sala. Para esto hemos considerado una red the parlamentarios
completamente conectada, a cuyas conexiones se les han asignado los valores de 1 o
-1 seg´un cada par de parlamentarios vot´o lo mismo o no. Luego, he considerado las
conexiones y tri´angulos presentes en la red como espines, y a partir de esto hemos
elaborado un formalismo matem´atico que nos condujo a obtener expresiones para
magnetizaciones, entropies, energ´ıa y temperatura del sistema.
Master in science with mention in Physics
FONDECYT 1201967
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