Now showing items 1-16 of 16

    • Belmar, Carolina A.; Alfaro, Silvia; Munita, Doina; Albornoz, Ximena; Carrasco, Carolina; Echeverría, Javier; Mera, Rodrigo; Adán, Leonor; Quiroz, Luciana; Niemeyer, Hermann M.; Planella, Maria Teresa (Universidad de Magallanes, 2017)
      Archaeological and ethnohistorial data show that smoking practices in the central-southern region of Chile begins during the Early Ceramic period and continue until historical times. In view of this long time span, twelve ...
    • Belmar Pantelis, Carolina; Alfaro, Silvia; Munita, Doina; Albornoz, Ximena; Carrasco, Carolina; Echeverría, Javier; Mera, Rodrigo; Adán, Leonor; Quiróz, Luciana; Niemeyer Marich, August; Planella, Teresa (Universidad de Magallanes, 2017)
      El registro de prácticas fumatorias tiene larga data en la zona centro-sur de Chile, donde la información arqueológica y etnohistórica marcan el inicio de estas actividades para el período Alfarero Temprano hasta momentos ...
    • Niemeyer Marich, August; De Souza Herreros, Patricio; Camilo, Conrado; Echeverría, Javier (Elsevier Inc., 2018)
      Consumption of psychoactive substances is a long-standing tradition among indigenous peoples of the Americas. Archaeologically, consumption of tobacco has been shown through analysis of archaeological smoking pipe residues, ...
    • Barrientos, Ruth E.; Ahmed, Shakeel; Cortés, Carmen; Fernández Galleguillos, Carlos; Romero Parra, Javier; Simirgiotis, Mario J.; Echeverría, Javier (MDPI, 2020)
      Greigia sphacelata(Ruiz and Pav.) Regel (Bromeliaceae) is a Chilean endemic plant popularly known as "quiscal" and produces an edible fruit consumed by the local Mapuche communities named as "chupon". In this study, several ...
    • Larrazábal Fuentes, María José; Fernández Galleguillos, Carlos; Palma Ramírez, Jenifer; Romero Parra, Javier Hernán; Sepúlveda, Kevin; Galetovic, Alexandra; González, Jorge; Paredes, Adrián; Bórquez, Jorge; Simirgiotis, Mario J.; Echeverría, Javier (Frontiers Media, 2020)
      Artemisia copa Phil. (Asteraceae) (known as copa-copa) is a native species of Chile used as an infusion in traditional medicine by Atacamenos people in the Altiplano, highlands of northern Chile. In this research, we have ...
    • Areche Medina, Carlos; Hernández, Marco; Cano, Teresa; Ticona, Juana; Cortes, Carmen; Simirgiotis, Mario; Cáceres, Fátima; Bórquez, Jorge; Echeverría, Javier; Sepúlveda, Beatriz (Frontiers Media, 2020)
      Corryocactus brevistylus (K. Schum. ex Vaupel) Britton & Rose (Cactaceae) is a shrubby or often arborescent cactus popularly known as "sancayo" and produce an edible fruit known as "Sanky" which is consumed in Arequipa-Peru. ...
    • Quiroz, Luciana; Alfaro Sandova, Silvia; Planella, María Teresa; Belmar Pantelis, Carolina; Echeverría, Javier; Niemeyer Marich, August; Meneses, Fernanda; Albornoz Álvarez, Ximena; Carrasco, Carolina; Thielemann, Benjamín (Univ. Católica Norte, Chile, 2020)
      En el Norte Semiárido de Chile (NSA), entre las cuencas de los ríos Salado y Choapa (26º-31,5ºS) se destacan las pipas entre las expresiones culturales de los grupos del período Alfarero Temprano. Se exploró la idea de ...
    • Echeverría, Javier; Niemeyer, Hermann M. (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2017)
      © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The chemical composition of the essential oil of Kurzamra pulchella (Lamiaceae) was determined. Twelve compounds were identified, with isomenthone (60.6%) and ...
    • Muñoz Ramírez, Alejandra; Mascayano Collado, Carolina; Barriga, Andrés; Echeverría, Javier; Urzúa, Alejandro (Frontiers Media, 2020)
      Lithraea caustica (Molina) Hook. and Arn. (Anacardiaceae), common name Litre, is an evergreen endemic plant used in the Mapuche Chilean folk medicine. The stem juice of L. caustica mixed with Rubus ulmifolius (blackberry) ...
    • Rodríguez, Stephanie; Walter Pertino, Mariano; Arcos, Chantal; Reichert, Luana; Echeverría, Javier; Simirgiotis, Mario; Bórquez, Jorge; Cornejo, Alberto; Areche Medina, Carlos; Sepúlveda, Beatriz (MDPI, 2020)
      Lycium minutifoliumJ. Remy (Solanaceae) is commonly used as an infusion in traditional medicine to treat stomach pain, meteorism, intestinal disorders, stomach ailments, and other severe problems including prostate cancer ...
    • Echeverría, Javier; Niemeyer Marich, August (Academic Press, 2013)
      The consumption of plant-derived hallucinogenic substances through smoking and snuffing is a long-standing tradition in the south-central Andes. Chemical and archaeobotanical evidence point to the consumption of nicotine ...
    • Gili, Francisca; Echeverría, Javier; Stovel, Emily; Deibel, Michael; Niemeyer Marich, August (Universidad Católica del Norte, 2017)
      Este artículo presenta un catastro de las pipas cerámicas provenientes de sitios arqueológicos del Salar de Atacama (SA) y describe sus atributos morfológicos, la composición química elemental de las pastas y la composición ...
    • Mojica, Marycruz; Alzogaray, Raúl Adolfo; Mengoni, Sofía Laura; Noel Reynoso, Mercedes; Pinto, Carlos Fernando; Niemeyer Marich, Hermann; Echeverría, Javier (MS Editions, 2020)
      Triatoma infestans (Klug) is the principal vector of Chagas disease in Bolivia and neighboring countries. The objective of this study was to determine the chemical composition of the EO of the Chilean laurel, Laurelia ...
    • Pinto, Carlos F.; Salinas, Silvia; Flores Prado, Luis; Echeverría, Javier; Niemeyer Marich, August (Pergamon-Elsevier, 2016)
      Treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae) are sap-feeding insects distributed mainly in tropical regions. Alchisme grossa is a treehopper that has been reported in the Bolivian Yungas forests using mostly Brugmansia suaveolens ...
    • Echeverría, Javier; Espinoza, Sergio M.; Niemeyer, Hermann M. (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2017)
      © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.Two unusual caprolactam alkaloids, 3-(dimethylamino)hexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one and 3-(methylamino)-hexahydro-2H-azepin-2-one, were isolated from the aerial parts ...
    • Espinoza, Javier; Echeverría, Javier; Urzúa, Alejandro; Niemeyer, Hermann M. (2012)
      A new withanolid amine was isolated from Dunalia spinosa (Solanaceae). Its relative stereochemistry was determined using FT-IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopies and high resolution mass spectrometry. Nicotine was also isolated; ...