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    • Acton, Jack S.; Goad, Michael R.; Raynard, Liam; Casewell, Sarah L.; Jackman, James A. G.; Alexander, Richard D.; Anderson, David R.; Bayliss, Daniel; Bryant, Edward M.; Burleigh, Matthew R.; Belardi, Claudia; Cooke, Benjamin F.; Eigmuller, Philipp; Gill, Samuel; Jenkins, James S.; Lendl, Monika; Louden, Tom; McCormac, James; Moyano, Maximiliano; Nielsen, Louise D.; Tilbrook, Rossanna H.; Udry, Stephane; Watson, Christopher A.; West, Richard G.; Wheatley, Peter J.; Vines, Jose I. (Oxford University Press, 2020)
      We present the discovery of NGTS J214358.5-380102, an eccentric M-dwarf binary discovered by the Next-Generation Transit Survey (NGTS). The system period of 7.618 d is greater than many known eclipsing M-dwarf binary ...