Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Baker, Emma K.; Arpone, Marta; Kraan, Claudine; Bui, Minh; Rogers, Carolyn; Field, Michael; Bretherton, Lesley; Ling, Ling; Ure, Alexandra; Cohen, Jonathan; Hunter, Matthew F.; Santa María Vásquez, Lorena; Faúndes Gómez, Víctor; Curotto, Bianca; Morales, Paulina; Trigo, César; Salas, Isabel; Alliende Rodríguez, Angélica; Amor, David J.; Godler, David E. (Nature, 2020)
      Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is caused by a hypermethylated full mutation (FM) expansion with >= 200 CGG repeats, and a decrease in FMR1 mRNA and its protein. However, incomplete silencing from FM alleles has been associated ...
    • Legües, María Eugenia; Morales, Paulina; Valenzuela, Mercedes; Encina, Andrea; Martí, María José; Bascuñán, Claudia; Cornejo, Paulina; Peña, Camila; Undurraga, María Soledad (Sociedad Medica de Santiago, 2019)
      Background: Cytogenetic abnormalities observed in the bone marrow of patients with multiple myeloma (MM) are an important prognostic factor for risk stratification. Aim: To investigate karyotype characteristics and frequency ...
    • Baker, Emma K.; Arpone, Marta; Aliaga, Solange M.; Bretherton, Lesley; Kraan, Claudine M.; Bui, Minh; Slater, Howard R.; Ling, Ling; Francis, David; Hunter, Matthew F.; Elliott, Justine; Rogers, Carolyn; Field, Michael; Cohen, Jonathan; Cornish, Kim; Santa María Vásquez, Lorena; Faundes, Víctor; Curotto, Bianca; Morales, Paulina; Trigo, César; Salas, Isabel; Alliende, Angélica M.; Amor, David J.; Godle, David E. (BioMed Central, 2019)
      Background: Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a common monogenic cause of intellectual disability with autism features. While it is caused by loss of the FMR1 product (FMRP), mosaicism for active and inactive FMR1 alleles, ...
    • Faúndes Gómez, Víctor; Santa María Vásquez, Lorena; Morales, Paulina; Curotto, Bianca; Aliende, María Angélica (Sociedad Médica de Santiago, 2017)
      Background: In 20% of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) and congenital abnormalities (CA) the cause would be a genomic imbalance detectable only by chromosomal microarrays (CMA). Aim: To analyze the results of CMA performed ...
    • Faúndes Gómez, Víctor; Salas, Isabel; Correa Burrows, Paulina; Soto Reyes, Paula; Peña, María Ignacia; Pugin, Angela; Bravo, Paulina; Santa María Vásquez, Lorena; Morales, Paulina; Curotto, Bianca; Aliaga, Solange; Alliende, María Angélica (Wiley, 2018)
      The study aim was to evaluate the administration and achievements of a Fragile X syndrome (FXS) centre in Chile. Families with children with FXS who sought care at our centre (CDTSXF) answered a survey to evaluate parent ...