Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Tadich, Tamara A.; De Freslón, Inés; Gallo, Carmen; Zúñiga, Jesús M.; Vásquez, Abel E.; Torres, Cristian G.; Tadich, Néstor; Gimpel, Jéssica; Martínez, Claudio; Sandoval, Daniel; Enríquez, Ricardo; Alfaro, Julio; Muñoz, Pablo; Paredes, Rodolfo; Erranz, Benjamín; Carvacho, Ingrid; Mezzano, Marcelo; Herrera, Emilio A. (Universidad de Concepción, Chile, 2020)
      La investigación con fauna silvestre tiene diversos propósitos como la conservación de especies, gestión ambiental y generación de conocimiento. El objetivo de los Comités Institucionales de Cuidado y Uso de Animales (CICUAs) ...
    • Rodríguez, Eugenio; Martínez, Claudio; Díaz Díaz, Marcela Cecilia; Espinoza Flores, Jorge; Alvarez Ruf, Joel; Crempien, Carla; Valdés, Camila; Campos, Germán; Artigas, Claudio; Armijo, Iván; Krause, Mariane; Tomicic, Alemka (Taylor & Francis, 2018)
      Recent research on processes of psychotherapy has focused on the study of patient-therapist regulation. Evidence concerning verbal and nonverbal coordination as predictors of therapeutic alliance and outcome in psychotherapy ...
    • Crespo, Jorge; Reich Morales, Martín; Barra, Fernando; Verdugo, Juan José; Martínez, Claudio; Leisen, Mathieu; Romero, Rurik; Morata Céspedes, Diego; Marquardt, Carlos (Soc Economic Geologists, 2020)
      Porphyry Cu-Mo deposits (PCDs) are the world’s major source of Cu, Mo, and Re and are also a significant source of Au and Ag. Here we focus on the world-class Río Blanco PCD in the Andes of central Chile, where Ag is a ...
    • Morán, Javier; Martínez, Claudio; Tomicic, Alemka; Pérez, Carola; Krause, Mariane; Guzmán Sánchez, Marcela; San Martín, Diego; Angulo, Salvador; Barroux, Isabelle; Gerstmann, Adam; Cerda, Cecilia de la (Routledge Journals, 2016)
      The purpose of this paper is to describe verbal and nonverbal expressions of mutual regulation between patients and therapists through the analysis of relevant episodes of five psychotherapy processes. Microanalyses of ...