Now showing items 43065-43084 of 94364

    • Parisi Fernández, Antonino; Guerrero, José Luis; Martínez, Daniel; Ireta, Martín (Director Comite Editorial: Sergio Olavarrieta, 2006)
      En Facultad de Economía y Negocios y en la física quántica se emplean conceptos que están revolucionando el mundo de la física. Ahora estamos tratando de acercar el razonamiento quántico al estudio de las finanzas, ...
    • García de la Huerta Izquierdo, Marcos (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, 2013)
    • Pardo Ojeda, Katherine Ignacia (Universidad de Chile, 2020)
      La laponita de grado RD es una nano-arcilla artificial del grupo de las esmectitas, ocupada principalmente como un modificador reológico en la industria y también es utilizado en la explotación de gas y petróleo. Actualmente ...
    • Bannura Cumsille, Guillermo; Barrera Escobar, Alejandro; Cumsille Garib, Miguel; Melo L., Carlos; Soto C., Daniel; Contreras P., Jaime (2010-02)
      The main causes of colovesical fistulas are diverticular disease of the colon and colon carcinoma. Aim: To analyze the results of the surgical treatment of colovesical fistulas of diverticular origin. Material and Methods: ...
    • Cárdenas S., Patricio; Ríos V., Marco; Troncoso O., Ekaterina; Cárdenas D., Rocío (Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, 2010)
      A study of patients with intestinal fístulas treated at the surgical clinic of the Hospital Salvador, Santiago de Chile, from January 2007 until June 2009. The sizes of the study were 26 patients in whom diagnosis was ...
    • Oyarzún, Alejandra P.; Westermeier, Francisco; Pennanen, Christian; López Crisosto, Camila; Parra, Valentina; Sotomayor Flores, Cristian; Sánchez, Gina; Pedrozo Cibils, Zully; Troncoso Cotal, Rodrigo; Lavandero González, Sergio (Elsevier, 2015)
      Aim: FK866 is an inhibitor of the NAD(+) synthesis rate-limiting enzyme nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (NAMPT). Using FK866 to target NAD(+) synthesis has been proposed as a treatment for inflammatory diseases and ...
    • Tsang, Raymond; Figueroa, Guillermo; Bryden, Louis; NG, Lai-King (American Society for Microbiology, 2001)
      Campylobacter jejuni recovered from patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) in different geographical locations and hearing different heat-labile and heat-stable antigens were found to have identical amino acid sequences ...
    • Moraes, Claudia T. P.; Polatto, Juliana M.; Rossato, Sarita S.; Izquierdo, Mariana; Munhoz, Danielle D.; Martins, Fernando H.; Pimenta, Daniel C.; Farfán Urzúa, Mauricio; Elias, Waldir P.; Barbosa, Angela S.; Piazza, Roxane M. F. (BioMed, 2015)
      Background: Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is distinguished mainly by the presence of EPEC adherence factor plasmid (pEAF) in typical EPEC (tEPEC) and its absence in atypical EPEC (aEPEC). The initial adherence ...
    • Rojas Gallardo, Darío (Universidad de Los Lagos, Dept Humanidades Arte, 2015)
    • González Traslaviña, Mabel Paulina (Universidad de Chile, 2014)
      El flaite en Chile es, a grandes rasgos, un sujeto de extracción popular asociado a la delincuencia. El presente texto es una investigación acerca del significado de “flaite” en formato de ensayo periodístico. Los objetivos ...
    • Berríos Caro, Ernesto; Clerc Gavilán, Marcel; León, A. O. (American Physical Society, 2016)
      Macroscopic extended systems with dissipation and injection of energy can exhibit particlelike solutions. Dissipative kinks with an oscillatory cloak and a family of localized states that connect uniform symmetric states ...
    • Bravo Sánchez, José Marcelo; Sahady Villanueva, Antonio; Quilodrán Rubio, Carolina (Universidad de Chile, 2010)
      La cultura chilota es admirada por su geografía y por su historia. A través del tiempo, el reconocimiento de sus valores ha crecido de manera exponencial. Su capital arquitectónico no sólo son sus iglesias y viviendas ...
    • Serra, Jordi; Campero, Mario; Ochoa, José (American Physiological Society, 1998)
      We investigated the neurovascular mechanisms that determine the flare response to intradermal capsaicin injection in humans and delineated the associated areas of mechanical and heat hyperalgesia. The flare response was ...
    • Real, Bastián; Cantillano, Camilo; López González, Dany; Szameit, Alexander; Aono, Masashi; Naruse, Makoto; Kim, Song Ju; Wang, Kai; Vicencio Poblete, Rodrigo (Nature Publishing Group, 2017)
      We experimentally study a Stub photonic lattice and excite their localized linear states originated from an isolated Flat Band at the center of the linear spectrum. By exciting these modes in different regions of the ...
    • Molina Gálvez, Mario (American Physical Society, 2015)
      We examine the effect of adding PT-symmetric gain and loss terms to quasi-one-dimensional lattices (ribbons) that possess flat bands. We focus on three representative cases: the Lieb ribbon, the kagome ribbon, and the stub ...
    • Olavarría, Verónica V.; Lavados Germain, Pablo Manuel; Munoz Venturelli, Paula; González, Francisca; Gaete, Javier; Martins, Sheila; Arima, Hisatomi; Anderson, Craig S.; Brunser, Alejandro M. (Sage, 2018)
      Background: Whether lying-flat improves blood flow in patients with acute ischemic stroke is unknown. Our aim was to investigate if lying-flat ‘‘changes’’ cerebral blood flow velocities assessed by transcranial Doppler ...
    • Ochagavía Toledo, María Angélica (Universidad de Chile, 2004)
      Este trabajo pretende entregar un pequeño acercamiento a este gran problema de la música; despejar ciertos aspectos esenciales para su dilucidación; la importancia cultural de la expresión musical, su preponderancia en el ...
    • García, R.; Erazo, Silvia; Peña, Raúl C. (PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 1995-07)
    • Sepúlveda Boza, Silvia; Delhvi, Sualaheen; Cassels Niven, Bruce (Pergamon Press Ltd., 1992-08-21)
      The rare dihydroquercetin 3-0-/3-0-xyloside, caryatin 7-0-/3-0-glucoside and the previously unknown 6-methoxylated flavonoid glycoside jaceidin 5-0-/3-0-glucoside were isolated from twigs of Eucryphia glutinosa where they ...
    • Günther Sapunar, Germán; Berríos, Eduardo; Pizarro, Nancy; Valdés Camus, Karina; Montero, Guillermo; Arriagada, Francisco; Morales Montecinos, Javier (Public Library Science, 2015)
      In this work, the relationship between the molecular structure of three flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin and morin), their relative location in microheterogeneous media (liposomes and erythrocyte membranes) and their ...