Now showing items 74260-74279 of 94266

    • Estrada Toledo, Nelson [Parte I]; Rivera Del Pino, Freddy [Parte II] (Universidad de Chile, 2023)
      Estimaciones de mercado del servicio de alimentación a público, en canal Horeca y Food Service tiene estimaciones de crecimiento del 8% promedio para los próximos 5 años según Euromonitor, generando una oportunidad de ...
    • Gómez Lira, M. Macarena (Universidad de Chile., 1981)
      En este trabajo se estudió los efectos producidos por diferentes concentraciones de butirato sobre la acetilación de las histonas H3 y H4 provenientes de células CHO (células de ovario de Hámster Chino).
    • Morales Peña, Mónica Gloria (Universidad de Chile, 1991)
      El Trypanosoma cruzi es un protozoo hemoflagelado perteneciente al orden Kinetoplastidia. Es el parasito causante de la enfermedad de Chagas, principalmente lesiones al miocardio, sistema digestivo, y otros órganos. La ...
    • Jean-Pierre, Féral; Saucède, Thomas; Poulin, Elie; Marschal, Christian; Marty, Gilles; Jean-Claude, Roca; Motreuil, Sébastien; Jean-Pierre, Beurier (Society for Underwater Technology, 2016)
      © 2016, Society for Underwater Technology. All rights reserved. In the context of global climate change, variations in sea surface temperature, sea level change and latitudinal shifts of oceanographic currents are expected ...
    • Córdova Delgado, Miguel Angel; Pinto, Mauricio P.; Pizarro, Gonzalo; Koch, Elard; Vargas, Cristian; Hernández, Mauricio; Nourdin, Guillermo; Saldivia, Pablo; Rodríguez Z., María Paz; Berkovits, Alejandro; Manque, Patricio; Rios, Juvenal A.; Garcia-Bloj, Benjamín; Garrido, Marcelo (AME Publishing Company, 2022)
      Background: Early-onset gastric cancers (EOGC) are poor prognosis hard-to treat malignancies that affect young individuals (<45 years old). Case Description: Herein we describe the case of a 26-year-old female EOGC patient ...
    • Molinos-Albert, Luis M.; Bilbao, Eneritz; Agulló, Luis; Marfil, Silvia; García, Elisabet; Concepción, Maria Luisa Rodríguez De La; Izquierdo-Useros, Nuria; Vilaplana, Cristina; Nieto-Garai, Jon A.; Contreras, F. Xabier; Floor, Martin; Cardona, Pere J.; Martinez-Picad (Nature Publishing Group, 2017)
      © The Author(s) 2017. The HIV-1 gp41 Membrane Proximal External Region (MPER) is recognized by broadly neutralizing antibodies and represents a promising vaccine target. However, MPER immunogenicity and antibody activity ...
    • Hernández Ríos, Emma; Sorsa, Timo; Obregón, Fabián; Tervahartiala, Taina; Valenzuela, María Antonieta; Pozo, Patricia; Dutzan Muñoz, Nicolás; Lesaffre, Emmanuel; Molas, Marek; Gamonal Aravena, Jorge Antonio (European Federation of Periodontology, 2009-12)
      Aim: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP)-13 can initiate bone resorption and activate proMMP-9 in vitro, and both these MMPs have been widely implicated in tissue destruction associated with chronic periodontitis. We studied ...
    • Kollipara, Laxmikanth; Buchkremer, Stephan; Weis, Joachim; Brauers, Eva; Hoss, Mareike; Ruetten, Stephan; Caviedes Fernández, Pablo; Zahedi, René P.; Roos, Andreas (AMER CHEMICAL SOC., 2016)
      Studying (neuro)muscular disorders is a major topic in biomedicine with a demand for suitable model systems. Continuous cell culture (in vitro) systems have several technical advantages over in vivo systems and became ...
    • Miyasaka Almeida, Andréa; Urra, Claudio; Moraga, Carol; Jego, Marcela; Flores, Alejandra; Meisel, Lee; González Canales, Mauricio; Infante Espiñeira, Rodrigo; Defilippi, Bruno G.; Campos Vargas, Reinaldo; Orellana, Ariel (Elsevier, 2016)
      Peaches are stored at low temperatures to delay ripening and increase postharvest life. However some varieties are susceptible to chilling injury, which leads to fruit mealiness, browning and flesh bleeding. In order to ...
    • Paradela, Alberto; Bravo, Susana B.; Henríquez Luna, Mauricio; Riquelme Pino, Gloria; Gavilanes, Francisco; González-Ros, José M.; Albar, Juan P. (AMER CHEMICAL SOC, 2005-11)
      Brush borders (microvilli) are cell membrane specialized structures that function mainly as high-throughput absortive/secretory areas. It has been well-established that brush borders are particularly rich in membrane lipids ...
    • Jerez, Sofía; Toledo Araya, Héctor; Thaler, Roman; Charlesworth, M. Cristine; López-Solís, Remigio; Kalergis, Alexis M.; Céspedes, Pablo F.; Dudakovic, Amel; Stein, Gary S.; van Wijnen, Andre J.; Galindo, Mario A. (Wiley-Liss Inc., 2017)
      © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Osteosarcomas are the most prevalent bone tumors in pediatric patients, but can also occur later in life. Bone tumors have the potential to metastasize to lung and occasionally other vital ...
    • Le Sage, Valerie; Cinti, Alessandro; Valiente Echeverría, Fernando; Mouland, Andrew J. (2015)
      Background: The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag polyprotein is necessary and sufficient to assemble non-infectious particles. Given that HIV-1 subverts many host proteins at all stages of its life cycle, ...
    • Nilo Poyanco, Ricardo; Saffie, Carlos; Lilley, Kathryn; Baeza Yates, Ricardo; Cambiazo Ayala, Liliana; Campos Vargas, Reinaldo; González Canales, Mauricio; Meisel, Lee; Retamales Aranda, Julio; Silva Ascencio, Herman; Orellana López, Ariel (2010)
      Background: Peach fruit undergoes a rapid softening process that involves a number of metabolic changes. Storing fruit at low temperatures has been widely used to extend its postharvest life. However, this leads to undesired ...
    • Martínez Moya, Pilar; Watt, Steven Alexander; Niehaus, Karsten; Alcaíno Gorman, Jennifer; Baeza Cancino, Marcelo; Cifuentes Guzmán, Víctor (2011)
      Background: The yeast Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous is used for the microbiological production of the antioxidant carotenoid astaxanthin. In this study, we established an optimal protocol for protein extraction and performed ...
    • Nasirzade, Jila; Kargarpour, Zahra; Mitulović, Goran; Strauss Avendaño, Franz Josef; Panahipour, Layla; Schwarz, Frank; Gruber, Reinhard (Nature, 2021)
      Particulate autologous tooth roots are increasingly used for alveolar bone augmentation; however, the proteomic profile of acid dentin lysate and the respective cellular response have not been investigated. Here we show ...
    • Vera, M.; Guiliani Guerin, Nicolás; Jerez Guevara, Carlos (ELSEVIER, 2003-10)
      The recent availability of an incomplete genomic sequence from Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans allowed us to continue and strengthen the demanding task of investigating the proteome and its functional implications in this ...
    • Martínez Moya, Pilar; Niehaus, Karsten; Alcaíno Gorman, Jennifer; Baeza Cancino, Marcelo; Cifuentes Guzmán, Víctor (Biomed Central, 2015)
      Background: Astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant with increasing biotechnological interest. In Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous, a natural source of this pigment, carotenogenesis is a complex process regulated through ...
    • González, Fermin E.; Chernobrovkin, Alexey; Pereda, Cristián; García Salum, Tamara; López, Mercedes N.; Salazar Onfray, Flavio; Zubarev, Roman A.; Tittarelli, Andrés (Hindawi, 2018)
      Autologous dendritic cells (DCs) loaded with cancer cell-derived lysates have become a promising tool in cancer immunotherapy. During the last decade, we demonstrated that vaccination of advanced melanoma patients with ...
    • Cavalla Ruiz, Ian Franco; Biguetti, Claudia Cristina; Jain, Sameer; Johnson, Cleverick; Letra, Ariadne; Pompermaier Garlet, Gustavo; Menezes Silva, Renato (Elsevier, 2017)
      Introduction: Understanding protein expression profiles of apical periodontitis may contribute to the discovery of novel diagnostic or therapeutic molecular targets. Methods: Periapical tissue samples (n = 5) of patients ...
    • Hidalgo, Christian; García, María Pía; Stoore, Caroll; Ramírez, Juan Pablo; Monteiro, Karina; Hellman, Ulf; Zaha, Arnaldo; Ferreira, Henrique; Galanti Garrone, Norbel; Landerer, Eduardo; Paredes, Rodolfo (Elsevier, 2016)
      Echinococcus granulosus protoscolex proteins were separated using two-dimensional electrophoresis and then identified using mass spectrometry; we identified 61 proteins, 28 which are newly described of which 4 could be ...