Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Loyola, Luis A.; Bórquez, Jorge; Morales, Glauco; Araya, Jorge; González, Jorge; Neira, Ivan; Sagua, Hernan; San Martín Barrientos, Aurelio (2001)
      Diterpenoids with trichomonicidal activity were isolated from the aerial parts of Azorella yareta Hauman. One was 13β-hydroxyazorellane, together with the known constituents mulinolic acid, mulin-11,13-dien-20-oic acid, ...
    • Hasbún, Rodrigo; González, Jorge; Iturra, Carolina; Fuentes, Glenda; Alarcón, Diego; Ruiz, Eduardo (Hindawi, 2016)
      Within a woody plant species, environmental heterogeneity has the potential to influence the distribution of genetic variation among populations through several evolutionary processes. In some species, a relationship between ...