Now showing items 20895-20914 of 20925

    • Harvey, Miguel Angel; Baggio, Sergio; Garland, María Teresa; Baggio, Ricardo (TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2005-02-15)
      Two new cadmium acetate compounds, Cd(tpy)(Ac)(2)center dot 2H(2)O (1) and Cd-2(bbip)(2) (Ac)(3)center dot 0.5S(2)O(8)center dot 2H(2)O (2) (tpy = 2,2',2 ''-terpyridine; bbip = 2,6-(benzimidazol-2-yl)pyridine; Ac = acetate), ...
    • Treister, Ezequiel; Castander, Francisco J.; Maccarone, Thomas J.; Herrera, David; Gawiser, Eric; Maza Sancho, José; Coppi, Paolo S. (UNIV CHICAGO PRESS, 2004-03-01)
      We present the discovery of a high-redshift, X-ray-selected active galactic nucleus (AGN) by the Calan-Yale Deep Extragalactic Research ( CYDER) survey: CXOCY J033716.7-050153, located at z=4.61, the second high-redshift ...
    • McHardy, I.; Connolly, S.; Horne, K.; Cackett, E.; Gelbord, J.; Peterson, B.; Pahari, M.; Gehrels, N.; Goad, M.; Lira Teillery, Paulina; Arevalo, P.; Baldi, R.; Brandt, N.; Breedt, E.; Chand, H.; Dewangan, G.; Done, C.; Elvis, M.; Emmanoulopoulos, D.; Fausnaugh, M.; Kaspi, S.; Kochanek, C.; Korista, K.; Papadakis, I.; Rao, A.; Uttley, P.; Vestergaard, M.; Ward, M. (Oxford University Press, 2018)
      We report the results of intensive X-ray, UV, and optical monitoring of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4593 with Swift. There is no intrinsic flux-related spectral change in any variable component with small apparent variations ...
    • Shiryaev, A. A.; Hinks, J.; Marks, N.; Greaves, G.; Donnelly, S.; Fisenko, A. V.; Kiwi Tichauer, Miguel (Wiley-Blackwell, 2016)
      Xenon in nanodiamonds from meteorites is a remarkable impurity. At least two isotopically dif-ferent components of Xe are known: P3 and Xe-HL. The P3 component might represent adsorbed Xe; whereas the component enriched ...
    • Saxton, R. D.; Read, A. M.; Komossa, S.; Lira Teillery, Paulina; Alexander, K. D.; Wieringa, M. H. (EDP Sciences, 2017)
      Aims. We study X-ray bright tidal disruption events (TDE), close to the peak of their emission, with the intention of understanding the evolution of their light curves and spectra. Methods. CandidateTDEareidentifiedbysear ...
    • Baeza Yates, Ricardo; Navarro, Gonzalo (2002)
      Despite that several models to structure text documents and to query on this structure have been proposed in the past a standard has emerged only relatively recently with the introduction of XML and its proposed query ...
    • Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Cerdeira Pena, Ana; Navarro, Gonzalo (ACM, 2014-06)
      The eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is acknowledged as the de facto standard for semistructured data representation and data exchange on the Web and many other scenarios. A well-known shortcoming of XML is its verbosity, ...
    • Quintana-Pulido, Constanza; Villalobos-González, Luis; Muñoz, Mariana; Franck, Nicolás; Pastenes, Claudio (Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, INIA, 2018)
      Xylem vessels are responsible for conducting water, in a metastable state, to the transpiring leaves. As tension increases, hydraulic failure may occur. At any given tension, the resistance of the xylem vessels to cavitation ...
    • Brunser, Alejandro M.; Ibañez-Arenas, Rodrigo; Larico, Martin; Mansilla, Eloy; Almeida, Juan; Olavarría, Verónica V.; Muñoz, Paula; Rojo, Alexis; Cavada, Gabriel; Lavados Germain, Pablo Manuel (W.B. Saunders, 2019)
      © 2018Background: Echocardiography (ECO) is frequently used as a screening test in patients with acute ischemic brain disease. We aimed to evaluate the additional information and therapeutic impact resulting from ECO in ...
    • Díaz Villa, José Ignacio (Universidad de Chile, 2024)
      Se propuso la arquitectura multimodal YotoR para la detección de objetos. Esta combina la extracción de características de Swin Transformer con el discriminador de YoloR y su modelamiento del conocimiento implícito. Los ...
    • Carraro, Giovanni; Chaboyer, Brian; Perencevich, James (BLACKWELL, 2006-01-21)
      The first charge-coupled device UBV(RI)(C) photometric study in the area of the doubtful open cluster NGC 2129 is presented. Photometry of a field offset 15 arcmin northwards is also provided, to probe the Galactic disc ...
    • Moni Bidin, C.; Casetti-Dinescu, D. I.; Girard, T. M.; Zhang, L.; Méndez Bussard, René Alejandro; Vieira, K.; Korchagin, V. I.; van Altena, W. F. (Oxford University, 2017)
      Despite their close proximity, the complex interplay between the two Magellanic Clouds, theMilky Way and the resulting tidal features, is still poorly understood. Recent studies haveshown that the Large Magellanic Cloud ...
    • Xu, S.; Jura, M.; Pantoja, B.; Klein, B.; Zuckerman, B.; Su, K. Y. L.; Meng, H. Y. A. (IOP Publishing, 2015)
      Using observations of Spitzer/IRAC, we report the serendipitous discovery of excess infrared emission from a single white dwarf PG 0010+280. At a temperature of 27,220 K and a cooling age of 16 Myr, it is the hottest and ...
    • Bellazzini, Michele; Magrini, Laura; Jones, Michael G.; Sand, David J.; Beccari, Giacomo; Cresci, Giovanni; Spekkens, Kristine; Karunakaran, Ananthan; Adams, Elizabeth A. K.; Zaritsky, Dennis; Battaglia, Giuseppina; Seth, Anil; Cannon, John M.; Fuson, Jackson; Inoue, John L.; Mutlu Pakdil, Burçin; Guhathakurta, Puragra; Muñoz Vidal, Ricardo Rodrigo; Bennet, Paul; Crnojević, Denija; Caldwell, Nelson; Strader, Jay; Toloba, Elisa (IOP Publishing, 2022)
      We use panoramic optical spectroscopy obtained with the Very Large Telescope/MUSE to investigate the nature of five candidate extremely isolated low-mass star-forming regions (Blue Candidates; hereafter, BCs) toward ...
    • Jones González, Michael Cristofer; Sand, David J.; Bellazzini, Michele; Spekkens, Kristine; Karunakaran, Ananthan; Adams, Elizabeth A. K.; Battaglia, Giuseppina; Beccari, Giacomo; Bennet, Paul; Cannon, John M.; Cresci, Giovanni; Crnojević, Denija; Caldwell, Nelson; Fuson, Jackson; Guhathakurta, Puragra; Haynes, Martha P.; Inoue, John L.; Magrini, Laura; Muñoz Vidal, Ricardo Rodrigo; Burçin, Mutlu-Pakdil; Seth, Anil; Strader, Jay; Toloba, Elisa; Zaritsky, Dennis (IOP Publishing, 2022)
      We discuss five blue stellar systems in the direction of the Virgo cluster, analogous to the enigmatic object SECCO 1 (AGC 226067). These objects were identified based on their optical and UV morphology and followed up ...
    • Boyle, Mike; Schraudner, Michael (CAMBRIDGE UNIV PRESS, 2008-04)
      In this paper, a group shift is an expansive action of Z(d) on a compact metrizable zero-dimensional group by continuous automorphisms. All group shifts factor topologically onto equal-entropy Bernoulli shifts; abelian ...
    • Martínez, Elizabeth Ferreira; Bustamante, Gilberto Aranda (Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Filosofia y Humanidades, Departamento de Literatura, 2019)
      The article analyzes the speech of the Zig-Zag magazine in relation to the city of Arica, as a collaborator in a propaganda policy of Chileanization, in the context in which Peru and Chile must prepare for the Treaty that ...
    • Andrade Silva, I.; Clerc Gavilán, Marcel; Odent, Vincent (American Physical Society, 2014)
      Liquid crystals displays with tailoring electrodes exhibit complex spatiotemporal dynamics when a large voltage is applied. We report experimental observations of the appearance of a programmable zig-zag lattice using ...
    • Mosquera Vargas, Edgar; Rojas Michea, Carolina; Morel, Mauricio; Gracia Caroca, Francisco; Fuenzalida Escobar, Víctor; Zárate, Ramón A. (Elsevier, 2015)
      Zinc oxide nanoparticles with different amounts of incorporated silver (ZnO:Ag; 0.6, 3, 6, and 9 at.% Ag) have been successfully synthesized by a simple sol gel method. The effect of Ag content on the properties of ZnO ...